WHEN: Wednesday, March 15, 2017, 6:30 PM
WHERE: News and Letters Committees Library, 228 S. Wabash Ave., Room 230, Chicago

Resist now or regret it later! From the Jan. 21, 2017, Chicago Women’s March. Photo by Terry Moon for News & Letters.
Even before all the litter had been cleared from U.S. President Donald Trump’s inauguration, the gigantic Women’s March on Washington—and, it turns out, around the world—revealed a new reality. Never in history was the rejection of a just elected president—and elected only by the anti-democratic electoral college—so overwhelming.
The massive demonstrations that erupted worldwide were a rejection of Trump, and also of the rise of fascism from the U.S. to India and from Turkey to Britain and Germany.
That these marches were mostly made up of women is not only because women took the initiative to call them; it is also because the war against women is real, it is worldwide, it is deadly and we are committed to fighting back.
To Trump’s inhumanity and lies, the Women’s Marches expressed a humanism that demanded we see the human family for what it is: people of color, immigrants, refugees, LGBTQ people, the poor, disabled, old and young.
♀ How can we deepen the humanism that was evident in the March on Washington to continue to fight the Trump Administration’s neo-fascism?
♀ What is new that emerged on International Women’s Day and how can we continue it?
Speaker: Terry Moon, Women’s Liberation writer and activist since 1967, Managing Editor of News & Letters
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