Help keep News & Letters going and growing

September 7, 2016

From the September-October 2016 issue of News & Letters

Whether we look at the rising tide of fascism worldwide; the savage police brutality fueled by racism and sexism; or the ongoing wars that have killed thousands of civilians in Yemen, Afghanistan and Iraq—never was there a greater need for News & Letters. Our coverage of Syria has been unparalleled, following through years of war those determined to express their humanism while fighting to free their country.

NL60-2In continuous publication since 1955, News & Letters remains the only Marxist-Humanist newspaper in the world. Just as McCarthyism in the 1950s failed to divert us from establishing a new kind of organization and News & Letters as a unique combination of theory and practice, so today the worldwide retrogression will not stop us from unfurling the needed banner of liberation grounded in the movement of people for their freedom and the philosophy of Marxist-Humanism.

From our beginning, we have never separated voices of revolt from the philosophy of revolution Raya Dunayevskaya created as Marxist-Humanism. The “voices from below”—from Black Lives Matter to women’s liberationists to rank-and-file working people and youth—can be seen in the pages of N&L.

New is the incredible inreach from prisoners. While most printed papers are experiencing a decline in subscriptions, ours are increasing because prisoners see this paper as theirs. In June alone we had 85 requests for subs from prisoners. They know that this is a paper where they can “speak for themselves,” and, as so many write, “it tells the truth” and “prints the news that the bourgeois press won’t.” As long as funds allow, we will give a subscription to every prisoner who requests it. We will publish a second edition of our Pelican Bay Hunger Strikers prison pamphlet. We will also publish two new collections of Raya Dunayevskaya’s writings: one on Karl Marx, and one on the Russian Revolution. These projects are unseparated from working out the totality of Marx’s Marxism in every facet of our work. You can help make sure they are achieved! The continued publication of News & Letters; the expansion of our activities with prisoners; the new website; and our plan for new publications confront us with ever increasing expenses.

The bills for printing, running the office at the Center, and postage alone come to well over $3,000 a month. Every year since our founding, over 60 years ago, we have turned to you, our readers and subscribers, to help us continue. Just as there has never been a greater need for News & Letters, so has there never been a greater need for your support!

If you want to send a regular amount each month or a one time contribution you can to so by sending in a check or money order to: News & Letters, 228 S. Wabash Ave., #230, Chicago, IL 60604; or via Pay Pal by clicking here.

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