From the November-December 2017 issue of News & Letters
I have been able to see a Danger Zone in the minds of people who have been damaged by all the trauma they have faced and, in all reality, should be in a mental hospital.
The Danger Zone consists of yellow police tape that says “Don’t Cross.” But who would want to step onto a blood-soaked piece of concrete with a dead body oozing brain matter? Only a family member trying to catch the last warmth of their loved one’s body.
Another part of this Danger Zone is all the men and women who were sexually assaulted, raped and molested; victims of a crack-addicted parent trading their child for drugs; victims of a pervert too insecure to have sex with a grown woman; victims of sick, twisted molesters who prey on children. I’ve also seen victims who were at the wrong place at the wrong time, so they carry that abuse around their whole lives.
The worst and most dangerous Danger Zone is of the mind. All of those people who run around every day with undiagnosed and untreated mental disorders. People who walk around talking to themselves, who suffer from bipolar disorder, depression, PTSD, anti social disorder and more. They get into physical and verbal altercations with staff and other inmates, and the administration just locks them up instead of getting them the proper help.
Yes, state and federal prisons have become a warehouse for people suffering from mental health issues. Why? Because mental health treatment is more expensive than throwing people in jail?
This and other practices have got to change in order for the crime rate and prison population to be under control. What can society do to help? Let me know! Or, if you relate to any of these issues and need someone to talk to. God bless.
—Randall James