From the May-June 2015 issue of News & Letters
by Elise
Malta becomes the first nation in the world to protect Intersex infants from so-called “normalizing” surgery, leaving it up to Intersex individuals to determine their own gender identity and their own choice of any or no surgery. The Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act also means that Intersex and Transgender people’s civil rights are recognized and protected.
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Photographer Richard Hedger exhibited his National Treasures collection of oft-ignored elderly LGBT people as part of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras festival. His beautiful photographs display Queer elderly people from many walks of life who have in common being part of social change.
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Russia has declared that Transgender and Transvestite people can no longer have drivers’ licenses because they have a so-called “gender identity disorder” which makes Trans people incapable of driving safely. The new law also bans other “impaired” people from driving, such as those who have amputated limbs or who are under five feet tall. The Queer rights organization Human Rights First, Russian psychiatrists and the Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights have condemned the new law. However, Russia’s Professional Drivers Union supports it.
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Aull4One, an unofficial gay-straight alliance at Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Mich., has been banned from holding a bake sale for homeless LGBT youth. The Dean of Student Life at the evangelical Christian school had approved their fundraiser but campus official Steve Yeagley canceled. Yeagley stated that Aull4One’s mission and practices were in “conflict with those of the University.” Aull4One then raised funds online, raising over $17,000, far surpassing their original $2,000 goal.