Youth in Action, November-December 2014

November 25, 2014

Newark high school protests; Egypt bans student movements; students and teachers defy Colorado school board brainwashing; Yemen youths’ political graffiti; Philadelphia high school students strike to support teachers.

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Yemen: famine, drones and freedom

November 30, 2012

World in View
by Gerry Emmett

Demands for freedom and dignity drove the Arab Spring. In Tunisia, in Tahrir Square in Egypt, in Daraa, Syria, and elsewhere these weren’t abstract, but concrete efforts to create new human relations under conditions of dictatorship, capitalist crisis, endemic corruption, spiraling food prices and environmental degradation. While bourgeois commentators have rushed [=>]

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Arab spring continues

July 22, 2012

World in View

by Gerry Emmett

Arab spring continues

Egypt’s first presidential election presented voters with two bad choices: Ahmed Shafiq, a Mubarak ally, or Mohammed Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood. Neither candidate has any connection to the working women, the youth, or the mass self-organization that have been at the heart of Egypt’s revolution.

This election showed [=>]

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Women in Yemen show revolutionary way

May 11, 2011

From the May-June 2011 issue of News & Letters:

Women in Yemen show revolutionary way
by Shatha Al-Harazi

Sana’a, Yemen–This is one of the most conservative countries when it comes to how women are viewed. But the current political climate has changed some of this.

Yemeni society has offered limited roles for women in politics. It never expected women to [=>]

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