Immigration deadlock reveals inhumanity

January 6, 2024

While immigrants suffer as winter settles in North America, the new year arrived without a Congressional bargain on immigration. Republicans not only demand harshly restrictive immigration measures but want to make Biden look bad by blocking accomplishments.

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Picketing for jobs

August 29, 2014

From the September-October 2014 issue of News & Letters

Chicago–Altgeld Gardens residents picketed the Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) on June 26. They told News & Letters that the CHA contracts with Walsh Construction to work on housing projects like Altgeld Gardens, which is 97% Black. But Walsh refuses to follow Section 3, which requires 30% [=>]

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Stop housing cuts!

April 16, 2011

Chicago–Faced with the prospect of budget cuts throwing thousands of people out on the streets or forcing them into institutions, 300 people packed into the Chicago Temple on Feb. 25 for a teach-in called “Stop the HUD Budget Cuts!” As Liz Brake of the Jane Addams Senior Caucus said, “They pick on the old, the [=>]

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