Handicap This! November-December 2014

November 30, 2014

Disability Rights Iowa filed a complaint charging that Governor Terry Branstad is failing to provide services to disabled Iowans; Disability Rights International is fighting the Guatemalan government over dangerous conditions in the Federico Mora psychiatric institution.

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Putting the ‘human’ in human services

August 29, 2014

From the September-October 2014 issue of News & Letters

Chicago—On July 28 I attended a meeting about putting the “human” back in human services in Illinois. Several government officials were invited to hear our complaints, including State Representative Mary Flowers and Michelle Saddler, Secretary of the Department of Human Services (DHS).

The audience, mostly Black [=>]

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Disabled demand services from DHS/DRS

May 23, 2014

Chicago ADAPT, along with Community Alliance and Northside Action For Justice, held an action at the offices of the Department of Human Services, which also houses the office of the Department of Rehabilitation Services because of the conflicting and confusing information we were getting from the state heads of human services versus the various DRS offices throughout Illinois.

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Legislators let us down

April 6, 2014

People shared stories about their experiences with Medicaid, the minimum wage, disability rights, and talked about the importance of seeing the human side of issues. The only things the legislators would say was that “revenues were the problem.”

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