Educators rally in New York City

July 8, 2014

From the July-August 2014 issue of News & Letters

New York—More than 300 teachers—as well as education personnel, parents, students, and community leaders and supporters—from New York City and other parts of the tri-state area concerned about education inequalities rallied outside New York City’s City Hall.

In a “Take Back Our Schools” rally, we [=>]

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Needed: debate on education in era of cutbacks

September 17, 2011

by Erica Rae

From college level all the way down to pre-school, education is in crisis across the U.S. Teachers are made the scapegoats for why students are not “measuring up” to keep our country competitive in a global market that is falling apart across the globe. But, what is the reality?

At the college level: many students [=>]

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Mayor Bloomberg’s schools get an F

November 24, 2010

From the Nov.-Dec. 2010 issue of News & Letters:

Mayor Bloomberg’s schools get an F

New York–In June 2009, Mayor Bloomberg and Schools Chancellor Joel Klein, together with the president of the Council of School Administrators and United Federation of Teachers President Mike Mulgrew, announced an increase in the four-year high school graduation rate for New York [=>]

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