Women WorldWide November-December 2014

November 22, 2014

From the November-December 2014 issue of News & Letters

by Artemis

In Guatemala, the Mayan Women’s Movement (MWM), a part of the Council of K’itche People, works with trade unions and farmers to stop mining, hydroelectric dams, monoculture crops, mega-tourism, and infrastructure-building by corporations that destroy natural resources and push them [=>]

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No to Monsanto!

December 9, 2013

Photo by Angela Callicutt

Protesters in Nashville, Tenn., in one of the 400 demonstrations of the second Global March against Monsanto on Oct. 12. Protests were held in 52 countries on all inhabited continents. They were calling for the permanent boycott of genetically modified organisms and harmful agro-chemicals.

Photo by Andrew Guinn

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