Readers’ Views on: What Is Socialism?; What Is Marxist-Humanism?; Nuclear Socialism?; Nuclear Capitalism; Flat Earth Society; Indigenous Genocide; Indigenous Liberation; Racism Takes its Toll; Rape Culture; Coming Out in Sports; Colonialism and Liberation
Readers’ Views: May-June 2021, part two
May 8, 2021Readers’ Views on: A Colombian View: What Is Socialism?; Trevor Wins!; Detroit School Fight; Suez Accident; What Prisoners Want; Voices From Behind Bars
Readers’ views: September-October 2020, part two
August 29, 2020Readers’ Views takes up: Queer safety is a human right; fake green politics; women in India; women in the U.S.; shameless evictions; voices from behind bars.
Virus makes nukes doubly deadly
May 2, 2020Nuclear power corporations are exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic. The refueling and repair season occasions cross-country travel by teams of workers risking spread of the virus.
Review: ‘Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator’
January 30, 2019Review by January of “Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator” by Greg Jaczko.
Fight nuclear waste
February 1, 2018Although Andrew Blowers in his book didn’t include Yucca Mountain in Nevada in his four peripheral sites, it qualifies. The choice of Yucca Mountain for the geologic disposal of U.S. nuclear waste started with forcing it into peripherality—declaring it an arid, empty wasteland, despite the presence of the Shoshone Indians.
Raid on French anti-nuclear activists
November 14, 2017On Sept. 20, 150 police showed up at 6:30 AM at the Bure House of Resistance in France. It is the latest incident of repression against growing opposition to “permanent” burial of France’s high-level radioactive waste.
Resistance to nuclear waste in Bure, France
October 4, 2017Police raids in Bure, France, attempted to disrupt resistance to a deep geologic repository for nuclear waste.
Readers’ Views: September-October 2017, Part 2
September 5, 2017Readers’ Views: Marx’s concept of theory; we are not a game; voices from behind bars.
Decommissioning nuclear reactors
July 6, 2017How is decommissioning of nuclear power plants being regulated to protect public safety? How can nuclear communities undergo a transition to new and productive jobs for the stranded workers?
Fukushima is never going away
April 30, 2017Problems from the damaged nuclear reactors at Fukushima are not going away because the government is not dealing with them seriously and refuses to ask for international help.
Nuclear waste traveling to your neighborhood
September 17, 2016Anti-nuclear activists expose the dangers of high-level radioactive waste (HLRW) being shipped around the country, the conundrum of what to do with it and the lies the U.S. Department of Energy tells to make HLRW appear safe.
Plutonium and death
May 18, 2016An anti-nuclear activist describes how plutonium has become deadly since World War II and advocates for humanity to reduce its impact.
Readers’ Views: November-December 2015, Part 1
December 16, 2015readers views nov dec 2015 part 1
Voices from Chernobyl chart disaster
December 11, 2015Review of Voices from Chernobyl: The oral history of a nuclear disaster.
‘If you ship it we will block it’ stopping the bomb trains
September 6, 2015Report of a lively demonstration in the San Francisco Bay Area against trains carrying tons of coal that can cause huge explosions and yet travel through highly populated areas.
Readers’ Views, Sept.-Oct. 2015, Part 1
August 31, 2015Readers’ thoughts on “Srebrenica, Bosnia, 1995; Europe and the World, 2015”; “Struggles against Racism”; “After Cecil, People Are Next”; “Teachers and Children”; “Workers, Customers Pay.”
Pacific nuclear tests still costing lives
July 4, 2015Sixty years, to the day, after the Castle Bravo explosion over the Marshall Islands, Holly Barker, anthropologist at the University of Washington, spoke at the “Dynamics of Possible Nuclear Extinction” conference in New York City on U.S. policy towards the people affected by 67 atmospheric nuclear explosions–the Marshall Islanders.
Stop nuclear power’s addiction to $$
March 11, 2015Nuclear Energy Information Service of Chicago activists protested nuclear power outside a City Club luncheon. Former EPA administrator Carol Browner was one of the speakers who carried water for the nuclear industry’s foundering finances.
Hundreds of thousands throng People’s Climate March
November 24, 2014Central Park in New York City was filled with hundreds of thousands at the People’s Climate March on Sept. 21.
Readers’ Views, November-December 2014, Part 2
November 23, 2014From the November-December 2014 issue of News & Letters
Readers’ Views, Part 2
I appreciate how Dunayevskaya relates Hegel’s Absolutes with the concrete tasks of building a revolutionary organization. History is the process of becoming. Hegel said that Being and Nothing are abstractions, whereas [=>]