Handicap This!: August 2024

August 15, 2024

Takes up: Disability services for students in college; the Supreme Court in Japan ruling unconstitutional the Eugenics Protection Law, which prevented people with disabilities from giving birth; and the life of disability rights activist Margot Imdieke Cross.

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Handicap This!: June 2024

June 11, 2024

Takes up: employees at a hospital in Japan sexually abusing patients with severe disabilities; the push to enforce Humane Alternatives to Long-Term Solitary Confinement Act in the U.S.; ‘Menopause and Me,’ a video for women with autism and learning disabilities; and an update of the situation of people with disabilities in Russia.

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Women Worldwide: March-April 2023

March 17, 2023

The U.S. Youth Risk Behavior Survey of 17,000 high school students revealed “America’s teen girls are engulfed in a growing wave of sadness, violence, and trauma”; women and girls in Iran are revolting against the regime by uncovering their hair and throwing out hijab; and the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team and the Canadian Women’s National Soccer Team turned their match into a labor solidarity action.

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60th International Antiwar Assembly

November 11, 2022

Excerpts of the appeal from the Executive Committee for the 60th International Antiwar Assembly, together with the message of solidarity sent to the Assembly from News and Letters Committees. Against Putin’s war and for revolutionary new beginnings!

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Kei “Basho” Utsumi (1935-2022): in remembrance

August 24, 2022

Kei Utsumi touched many lives before his death on July 15, a few days shy of his 87th birthday. In conversations with friends, in being present at countless demonstrations, or in putting pen to paper, his was a passionate, unyielding voice for freedom movements, which will be sorely missed.

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Youth in Action: May-June 2021

May 8, 2021

Young climate activists prepare for the next UN climate change conference, COP26; the French Senate’s reactionary vote to dissolve the National Union of Students of France; youth protest a Japanese plan to dump more than 1 million tons of irradiated water from the Fukushima reactor site into the ocean; and more than 60,000 schoolchildren in Japan signed a “Stop Extreme School Rules” petition.

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Readers’ views, March-April 2021: part one

March 11, 2021

Readers’ Views on: Trumpism, Racism and the Specter of Fascism; Vaccine Inequality and Injustice; Organizing Amazon; Can Humanity Survive?; Criminal Injustice; Trust Women; Marx’s Humanism and Love; Why Read ‘N&L’?

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Women worldwide, September-October 2019

August 31, 2019

Feminists in Iran call on Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to resign; huge demonstrations against police rapes in Mexico; removal of the “Girl of Peace Statue” in Japan; and the trial of Canan Kaftancioğlu, the Istanbul chief of the secularist Republican People’s Party.

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Youth in Action, Sept.-Oct. 2019

July 17, 2019

Moroccan medical students boycott their exams; boys in a New Zealand rugby team’s solidarity for the team’s one girl; and a high school senior makes a documentary film about the protest against a U.S. Navy base on Okinawa.

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Review: The Feeling of Being Watched

December 2, 2018

The film “The Feeling of Being Watched” exposes the FBI’s “Operation Vulgar Betrayal,” which tracked Muslim organizations only because they were Muslim, and reminds its audiences of other FBI investigations.

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End the Oura Bay landfill in Japan

September 27, 2018

Activists in Okinawa began walking from town to town, meeting with citizens, mayors and city councils to convince them to stop the Japanese government’s extraction of their soil to be used as bay fill in the construction of two new airport runways at Henoko (U.S. Camp Schwab) on pristine Oura Bay, Okinawa Island.

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Readers’ Views, July-August 2018, Part 1

July 23, 2018

Readers’ Views on: Fighting Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Hysteria; Women’s Liberation; Attacks on Gays; Support Restaurant Workers; Swords into Plowshares; Human Rights Struggles in Iraq…; …And in Russia; Arthur Gursch in Memoriam

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World in View: Korea war threats

May 15, 2017

The U.S. is increasing its military activity in the far East as tensions rise between it and North Korea that could lead to an unthinkable and devastating nuclear and chemical war that could affect multiple nations.

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Fukushima is never going away

April 30, 2017

Problems from the damaged nuclear reactors at Fukushima are not going away because the government is not dealing with them seriously and refuses to ask for international help.

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Queer Notes: November-December 2016

November 26, 2016

A worldwide view of Queer news including vigils for murdered Transgender woman T.T. Saffore; problems some in Japan have with LGBTQ youth; an investigation in Pakistan against a Transgender woman; and a kiss-in organized in response to a complaint against two men holding hands in public in England.

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Nuclear waste traveling to your neighborhood

September 17, 2016

Anti-nuclear activists expose the dangers of high-level radioactive waste (HLRW) being shipped around the country, the conundrum of what to do with it and the lies the U.S. Department of Energy tells to make HLRW appear safe.

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Murdering the disabled

September 14, 2016

Mass murder of disabled in Japan demonstrates humanity’s willingness, all over the world into the U.S.’s Illinois, to ignore the complete humanity of the differently abled.

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Plutonium and death

May 18, 2016

An anti-nuclear activist describes how plutonium has become deadly since World War II and advocates for humanity to reduce its impact.

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Women WorldWide: March-April 2016

March 11, 2016

A look at women’s activity and thought worldwide including women comics acting against harassment in their industry; the Toronto Newsgirls Boxing Club coming out strongly against violence against women; and Filipina women used as sexual slaves by Japan in WWII demanding that government acknowledge and apologize for what they had done.

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‘Comfort’ women dispute agreement

January 23, 2016

Article outlining the seriously flawed agreement between the governments of Japan and South Korea regarding the so-called “comfort women,” actually women kidnapped into sexual slavery to serve Japanese Soldiers during World War II. The article includes the list of demands of the surviving women who were left out of the agreement’s negotiations.

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Fukushima protest

May 12, 2014

Demonstrators gathered in front of the Japanese Consulate in Chicago on the third anniversary of the first meltdown at the Daiichi nuclear plant at Fukushima. The purpose of the protest was to shine a spotlight on the continuing crisis: that radiation continues to be released into the water and into the air, despite the efforts of workers who at risk of life and health are quickly acquiring lifetime doses of radiation.

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Capitalism’s violence, masses’ revolt show need for total view

May 1, 2013

The world today is riven between the creativity of masses in revolt and the violent degeneracy of counter-revolution, whose destructiveness even extends to the revived specter of nuclear war two decades after the collapse of the USSR. Such is the degeneracy of the globalized capitalist system, laden with destructive forces and sunk into structural crisis. The deep crisis is seen in the U.S. and abroad, economically, in unemployment and poverty, homelessness and hunger. It is seen politically, in new laws attacking workers and women, and new outbursts of racism. It is seen environmentally, with the advance of climate disruption and fake capitalistic solutions. It is seen in thought, as the lack of philosophy, of a total view, hampers the development of struggles from the U.S. to the revolutions of the Arab Spring facing counter-revolutions.

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Readers’ Views, January-February 2013, Part 1

March 9, 2013


The article on “Climate chaos and capitalism” (Sept.-Oct. 2012 N&L) is very relevant, especially the conclusion about how capitalism’s contradiction is that the growth of the economy, of capitalist production, means more global warming and climate change worldwide.
Activist for humans and environment
Los Angeles


The technologies we [=>]

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From Hiroshima/Nagasaki to Fukushima

October 6, 2012

Evanston, Ill.—On Aug. 5 a unique and wonderful commemoration related the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the ongoing nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan. Titled “Hiroshima commemoration presentation: From Hiroshima to Fukushima,” it was sponsored by the Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS), North Shore Peace Initiative and Chicago Peace [=>]

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‘Comfort women’ speak

September 24, 2012

Bok-dong Kim. Photo by Won Choi wonchoi.weebly.com/comfort-women.html

Los Angeles—Bok-dong Kim, an 87-year-old Korean “comfort woman,” came here as part of her U.S. speaking tour on the fifth anniversary of House Resolution 121, which acknowledged Japan’s war crimes against the comfort women. She met with Congressional representatives in Washington, D.C., spoke to 300 students at [=>]

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Fukushima nuclear worker’s testimony

July 26, 2012

Editor’s note: “S,” an organizer of nuclear workers for the Precariat Union in Tokyo, currently works at Daiichi and Daini as a subcontract worker. He spoke on March 4 to about 200 people in New York City on a panel, “Eyewitnesses to Fukushima,” sponsored by Shut Down Indian Point Now! (SDIPN!).

Eighty percent of nuclear [=>]

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Women Worldwide, July-August 2012

July 25, 2012

by Artemis

In May, delegations of Japanese officials came to Palisades Park, N.J., where more than half the community is of Korean descent, to request the removal of a memorial to the Korean “comfort women.” They shockingly claimed that the more than 200 women, who were forced to be sex slaves for the Japanese military [=>]

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Hirabayashi proved ancestry is no crime

February 22, 2012

Hirabayashi proved ancestry is no crime

On Jan. 2, Gordon Hirabayashi died at age 93. He was the last of three Nisei men who defied the 1942 War Relocation Authority’s (WRA) edict ordering all persons of Japanese ancestry on the West Coast to assembly centers. He was convicted of both curfew and evacuation violations. In mid-1943 [=>]

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January-February 2012 issue of News & Letters now available on the web

January 29, 2012


Protests began in September in Wukan, a village of 20,000 people in Guangdong province on the South China Sea, against seizure of more than 100 acres of Wukan’s common land to be sold to those with insider ties to the village Communist Party leadership. Village authorities escalated the conflict by identifying protest leaders and hauling [=>]

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Fukushima activists testify in New York

December 19, 2011

Fukushima activists testify in New York

New York City—A delegation of grassroots environ­mental activists from Japan came to share with their U.S. counterparts heart-rending eyewitness accounts of the health impact and continued contamination pro­duced by the Fukushima-Daiichi reactor units that suffered catastrophic damage on March 11. They met with the public at three different venues Sept. [=>]

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Readers’ Views, September-October 2011

October 7, 2011

From the September-October 2011 issue of News & Letters:

Readers’ Views




The West supports any revolution where they [=>]

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Fukushima’s ‘man-made disaster’

August 17, 2011

From the July-August 2011 issue of News & Letters:

Fukushima’s ‘man-made disaster’

Editor’s note: Below are excerpts of a report sent to us from Narihiko Ito in Japan. Along with it, he sent an “Urgent Proposal” on assistance to the earthquake victims and reconstruction of the devastated area, issued by the Peace Constitution Committee of the 21st [=>]

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Japan: earthquake, tsunami and meltdown

May 9, 2011

From the new issue of NEWS & LETTERS, May-June 2011

Part III of

Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2011-2012
Revolution and counter-revolution take world stage


  • I. The Arab Spring
  • II. The wars at home
  • III. Japan: earthquake, tsunami and meltdown
  • IV. Revolution, organization and philosophy
  • V. Marxist-Humanist Tasks

(Part I and II were posted in the last two days.  Parts IV and V to come [=>]

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