Readers’ Views, January-February 2012 (part 2)

February 19, 2012

Readers’ Views (part 2)


Shut Down Indian Point Now! is calling a press conference immediately prior to a New York State Assembly hearing to determine energy alternatives to the Indian Point plant in January. As the Fukushima, Japan, meltdown shows, nuclear power can never be made safe.

People are becoming increasingly aware [=>]

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Grocery workers rally

August 13, 2011

Los Angeles–On June 14, 1,000 mostly young grocery workers and their supporters gathered and marched for a fair contract at the East Hollywood Vons Supermarket. They represented 60,000 workers of the UFCW (United Food and Commercial Workers) at Vons, Ralph and Albertson Supermarkets who have been without a contract for over three months.

Management has demanded [=>]

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