March-April 2017 Youth in Action column, including reports on youth activities in Minneapolis, New York City, Kerala (India) and Tehran.
Mass rallies denounce Trump and defend immigrants: ‘City of immigrants’
March 15, 2017Immigrants, Muslims and their supporters in New York rally against Trump and his immigrant ban and in support of all immigrants.

Democracy in the streets votes Trump out!
January 23, 2017Reports from the huge Women’s March from participants in Chicago, Ill., Detroit, Mich., Oakland, Calif., Nashville, Tenn., Memphis, Tenn., Los Angeles, Calif., and New York City.
NYC fast food strikes
September 29, 2013The fast food workers of New York, along with those in seven other cities, are on the move and demanding nothing less than to be treated as human beings on the job, not replaceable parts in a giant fast food industry machine.