Montréal—On Aug. 22, at least 50,000 students, workers, and social justice activists marched peacefully from Place du Canada through the streets of Montréal to Place Jacques-Cartier in “joyous protest.” Some estimates were as high as 100,000. Demonstrations have been held on the 22nd of each month since March. This was the largest of the summer. [=>]
Maple Spring
Québec ‘Maple Spring’ repression
July 20, 2012Montreal–The Printemps Érable (Maple Spring), named after the Arab Spring, continues in Québec and reverberates throughout Canada in an ever-deepening crisis since the massive Québec student strike began in February. It faces a new wave of brutal repression, whose extreme character accentuates the bankruptcy of Québec’s government.
In mid-May Line Beauchamp, Minister of Education, bad as she was, [=>]
July-August 2012 issue of News & Letters is on the web
July 8, 2012News & Letters, Vol. 57, No. 4
July-August 2012
Lead: Spain, Greece, Europe: capitalist crisis and revolt
When the bailout of banks in Spain was announced on June 9, the immediate reactions revealed the two worlds that exist in every country. The Spanish masses intensified their protests, marching directly on both banks and government, while Greek and Spanish [=>]