Woman as Reason: Fighting rape is in our hands

August 29, 2014

Since the beginnings of the Women’s Liberation Movement in the early 1960s, we have been fighting rape, and rape culture. Finally, 50 years later, a U.S. president issued some mild recommendations on how to fight rape on college campuses, and two Democratic women have introduced legislation to make colleges more accountable for preventing and dealing with campus rapes.

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Rallies for equal pay

May 18, 2013

On April 9 rallies were held across the U.S. to mark the day women’s earnings catch up to what men’s were at the end of 2012.

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Women’s freedom and Marx’s dialectic

March 22, 2011

Woman as Reason

by Terry Moon

The contemporary nature of Marxist-Humanism is evident when one views the theory and practice of women’s liberation. Today that involves both an unprecedented attack on women’s rights–especially reproductive rights–now taking place in the U.S., and women’s creative activism in the revolutionary developments in the Middle East, where they are fighting repressive [=>]

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