Con Ed lockout ends

October 1, 2012

New York—On July 24 at historic Union Square, 8,500 workers with Local 1-2 Utility Workers Union of America, UWUA, who had been locked out by Consolidated Edison, were surrounded by 5,000-10,000 supporters, similar to the numbers from the big unions who had marched a week earlier.

They told News & Letters: “It’s about the pension. We’ve [=>]

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French workers vs. state and union leaders

November 11, 2010

From the Nov.-Dec. 2010 issue of News & Letters:

French workers vs. state and union leaders


What follows are excerpts from an in-person report.



Montpellier, France–People ask me what it’s like living in France during these massive one-day strikes and popular mobilizations against the conservative Sarkozy government’s pension “reforms.” These cuts would push the minimum retirement age from [=>]

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