Racist police murder two more people of color

August 23, 2011

The continuing problem of racist, unaccountable police violence is highlighted by a recent pair of outrageous shootings in Arizona and Florida. Both illustrate the militarized, “search and destroy” mentality so prevalent among police officers, supported by the racist political climate in the U.S. today.

A Pima County Regional SWAT team killed Jose Guerena in his Tucson [=>]

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World in View: Racist convicted

April 19, 2011

by Gerry Emmett

Racist Shawna Forde was convicted of first degree murder in Pima County, Ariz., Feb. 14. The coordinator of the Minuteman American Defense (MAD) border patrols and her two colleagues—Jason Eugene “Gunny” Bush and Albert Gaxiola—shot and killed Robert Flores, 29, and his 9-year-old daughter Brisenia in May 2009 in Arivaca. Bush had ties [=>]

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