Prisoner Robert Taliaferro explores what it is like to argue with white racists immersed in Trumpist propaganda.
Rush Limbaugh
Readers’ views, March-April 2020: Part one
March 17, 2020Readers’ views on climate struggles; labor struggles; racist politics; election contradictions; Modi’s Kristallnacht?; anti-abortion terror; rewriting history; and women and culture.
Birth control and being human
May 12, 2014The war against birth control is a war against the idea that women are actually human beings who have a right to control their fertility and plan when and if to have a child.
Corporate assaults on workers and women
March 20, 2011Editorial:
As the national assault against the working class in the U.S. increases, most openly evidenced by the orchestrated attacks aimed at destroying public employees’ unions, workers and their unions are challenging these vicious attacks. The most blatant attack, by Republican Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin–who introduced legislation to eliminate the right of public worker unions [=>]