Educators rally in New York City

From the July-August 2014 issue of News & Letters

New York—More than 300 teachers—as well as education personnel, parents, students, and community leaders and supporters—from New York City and other parts of the tri-state area concerned about education inequalities rallied outside New York City’s City Hall.

In a “Take Back Our Schools” rally, we [=>]

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Save schools, libraries

December 3, 2010

Save schools, libraries

Los Angeles–On Oct. 7, over 100 activists from many Leftist groups assembled at the Los Angeles Board of Education Building to protest continuing austerity measures against the working class. Organized by the March 4th Committee to Defend Public Education and Social Services, they demanded reinstatement of all terminated teachers, library workers and other [=>]

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Stop education cuts!

December 2, 2010

Stop education cuts!


On Oct. 7, as part of a National Day of Action for Higher Education, hundreds rallied at University of California, Berkeley, against massive fee hikes, course cutbacks and layoffs.  Photo by David M’Oto for News & Letters.


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