Workers vs. Proposition 22

November 10, 2020

Gig companies pushed through California’s Prop 22 denying workers recognition as employees, and want similar laws in other states and countries. Other workers are bracing to see if the “gig economy” will be able to overtake their own industry.

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Readers’ views, May-June 2020

April 29, 2020

Readers’ views on The dialectic in thought and in liberation; labor and pandemic; pandemic and ecology; pandemic and school; women’s liberation; and voices from behind bars.

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Gig road to poverty

December 14, 2018

Contrary to the boosterism that we always hear from Trump, an MIT study revealed that on average an Uber-type driver’s income declined last year from $1,469 per month to $783, a drop of 47%.

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Uber scams drivers

November 30, 2016

A woman ex-Uber driver details how they exploit their drivers with late fees, turning off your car, and their desire to get rid of their drivers altogether.

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Fighting Uber pay cuts

March 18, 2016

Uber drivers in NYC, facing higher commissions to Uber and lower fares, went on strike and rallied at the Long Island City headquarters. The drivers purchasing cars through Uber are on top of that charged usurious interest.

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Readers’ Views, Jan.-Feb. 2014, Part 1

March 8, 2014


I have been active in a number of student groups around labor and women’s issues. We always talk about “intersectionality” and recognizing different struggles. Somehow that didn’t seem to apply, though, when it came to the Syrian Revolution. Suddenly people didn’t want to talk about it. I [=>]

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