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The Philosophic Moment of Marxist- Humanism – Hard Cover

Two Historic-Philosophic Writings by Raya Dunayevskaya
Contains: “Presentation on Dialectics of Organization and Philosophy of June 1, 1987”
“1953 Letters on Hegel’s Absolutes”
News & Letters, 1989. 52 pp.
$10 hard cover + $2 postage
“During the hard years of McCarthyism, Dunayevskaya made a philosophical breakthrough that would further shape her understanding of society. In Hegel’s Absolutes she saw a dual movement from practice that is itself a form of theory and from theory reaching to philosophy… At the same time she was writing important treatises that linked her interpretation of Marx to issues of race and the struggles of colonized peoples. For her, women’s liberation was an unnegotiable concern.”—Margaret Randall, Gathering Rage: The Failure of 20th Century Revolutions to Develop a Feminist Agenda
“It was her reading of Hegel’s Logic in 1953 that gave theoretical focus to the path that she helped work out. While professional Hegel scholars may (and indeed do) disagree with her claim that the ‘Absolute Idea is the dialectic of the party’ . . . , her insight that Hegel passes beyond transition to liberation led her to read Hegel’s works not as a closed system, but as a philosophical beginning vital for helping us understand the meaning of our own times.”—Patricia Altenbernd Johnson, The Owl of Minerva