Chicago meeting: Low-wage strike wave shows workers reaching for a new way of life

July 10, 2014

Monday, July 21, at 6:30pm
News and Letters Library
228 S. Wabash Ave., #230
Chicago, Illinois

Speaker: Franklin Dmitryev, National Organizer of News and Letters Committees, author of “Low-wage strike wave shows workers reaching for a new way of life”

From the July-August 2014 issue of News & Letters:

The recent wave of strikes at Walmart and fast food restaurants signals the discontent brewing among the growing number of low-wage U.S. workers. They give notice that the far-reaching restructuring of jobs that was accelerated by the Great Recession also has a subjective side of revolt.

A week of strikes and demonstrations at Walmarts across the country peaked with events in 20 cities on June 4 alone. Chants of “Respect! Now!” joined the official demands of “$25,000 per year and enough hours to support our families” and an end to retaliation against workers who strike or speak up.


Striking women were at the fore in several of the cities, countering Walmart’s publicity campaign that touts “Walmart moms” who “save money, live better,” in an attempt to disguise the giant multinational corporation’s rapacious exploitation and vicious repression of workers….

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