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Ever since News & Letters began publishing in 1955, as a newspaper dedicated to working out a unity of theory and practice, News and Letters Committees has tried to break down the division between “inside” and “outside.” Part of that practice has been our dialogue with our readers.
As Marxist-Humanists, we don’t separate mass activities from the activity of thinking. And we don’t separate readers of our paper from those who write for it. All readers are invited to express their thoughts on the needed transformation of this world. As our Constitution states, it is our aim to promote the firmest unity among workers, Blacks and other minorities, women, youth, and those intellectuals who have broken with the ruling bureaucracy of both capital and labor. Toward this aim News & Letters presents the voices and thoughts of those fighting for freedom together with the articulation of a philosophy of revolution.
Since News & Letters began appearing in full on the internet, we have gained lots of new readers who might never have found us when we only published a printed newspaper. We are very happy to have you with us.
We also hope to be able to expand and diversify our online activities. This costs money. We have turned to our readers through the years for their help in paying the bills to keep News & Letters alive. Your help was never more needed than now. Whatever the amount you can afford, please help us out.
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