Mexico: The Struggle for Self-Determination in Ostula

July 12, 2024

Editor’s Note: More than 40 indigenous organizations and groups in Mexico spoke out against the latest armed attacks by organized crime in the Nahua community of Santa María Ostula, Michoacán. They denounced the fact that “state and federal authorities have been conspicuous by their absence, allowing the aggressors to go unpunished.” Below their statement, originally published in Spanish in Desinformémonos.

We demand immediate action to dismantle criminal groups!

We demand respect for the self-determination of the Nahua community from Santa María Ostula!


The undersigned express our deep concern for the situation experienced by the indigenous community of Santa María Ostula. For decades, the community has been an example of dignity and organization in the defense of its territory and the exercise of its right to self-determination. In 2009, the Ostula Manifesto, signed jointly with the Wixárika, Purhépecha, Binnizá, Hñahñuu, Coca, Tzeltal, Ñuu Savi and Rarámuri peoples, reiterated their commitment to continue exercising their historical right to autonomy and self-determination. Days later, thousands of Ostula community members recovered hundreds of hectares of land that were in the hands of local bosses claiming it as “small landowners.” These territories, now called Xayakalan, are coveted by tourism, mining, organized crime and capitalists looking to exploit precious trees for wood. In addition, Ostula is strategically located between the ports of Manzanillo and Lázaro Cárdenas, the two most important ports in Mexico.

“In Ostula, the struggle for security is permanent”. Sign in Ostula. Photo: Desinformémonos

Santa María Ostula quickly made itself a model for autonomy and self-management, establishing community control over its lands and beaches and creating the Communal Guard, which is responsible for providing peace, security and justice for the inhabitants of the region.

However, the community is not free from harassment and violence. Since 2008, in the process of organizing to recover their territory, they have suffered murders, disappearances, attempts at disarmament and armed attacks by organized crime.


Between July 1-3, 2024, Santa María Ostula was once again the victim of a brutal attack by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG). The armed attacks intensified, putting the population at serious risk. On July 3, criminals used drones to launch explosives against the community, including attacking the central court, houses and the school.

The civilian population, mainly women, children and elderly people, were terrorized by violence and hunted by groups of up to 50 criminals. Despite the heroic resistance of the community, state and federal authorities have been conspicuous by their absence, allowing the aggressors to attack with impunity.

We demand from the Federal and State authorities:

  • Immediate intervention to stop the CJNG onslaught.
  • The recognition and respect for the self-determination and autonomy of Santa María Ostula as a historical example of the fight for land and dignity.
  • Respect for the community’s right to exercise self-defense and the granting of guarantees for the functioning of the Communal Guard.
  • Punishment of those responsible for this attack, for the murders, disappearances and other violations of the community’s human rights that have been perpetrated with impunity since 2008.

Stop the attacks against the Nahua community of Santa María Ostula!

Signed by: National Coordination Space to Stop the War against the Zapatista Peoples

Asamblea de Pueblos del Istmo en Defensa de la Tierra y el Territorio. APIIDTT. *Asamblea Múuch’ Xìimbal *Brigada Callejera de Apoyo a la Mujer «Elisa Martínez». A.C. *Brújula Roja *Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolome de Las Casas *Centro de Investigación en Comunicación *Comunitaria A.C. *Colectivo Bordamos memoria *Colectivo Cafetos *Colectivo de las hijas y los hijos del maíz pinto *Colectivo Renacido La grieta *Colectivo Tejiendo Luchas *Colectivo Tierra y Libertad *Colectivo Transdisciplinario de Investigaciones Críticas *Colectivo Mujeres Tierra *Comité de Mujeres Chiapas-Kurdistán *Comunidad de Tlanezi Calli en Resistencia *Cuaderno Común *Espacio de lucha contra el olvido y la represión (Elcor)  *Ezcuelita GDL *Gavilanas *Instituto Cultural Autónomo «Rubén Jaramillo Ménez» *La otra Justicia y Asociación de Exploración Científica, Cultural y Recreativa *La Otra en el Sur de Morelos *Llegó la Hora de los Pueblos *Mexicanos Unidos *Mujeres y la Sexta *Mujeres y la Sexta Jovel *Nodo de Derechos Humanos Puebla *Organización Popular Francisco Villa de Izquierda Independiente *Oveja Roja- Michoacán *Partido de los Comunistas Mexicanos *Profes en la Sexta *Pueblos Unidos de la Región Cholulteca y de los Volcanes *Raices en Resistencia *Regeneración Radio *Resistencias Enlazando Dignidad  Movimiento y Corazón Zapatista *Resistrenzas-Puebla *Red de Apoyo Iztapalapa Sexta (RAIS) *Red de Resistencia y Rebeldias AJMAQ *Red de Resistencia y Rebeldía Tlalpan *Red de Resistencia y Rebeldía Iximulew *Red Morelense de Apoyo al CNI-CIG/Colectividad Nuestra Alegre Rebeldía *Red Universitaria Anticapitalista (RUA) *Tlali Nantli Coronango

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