An Editorial in News & Letters taking up who General Qassem Soleimani was, what he did in aiding counter-revolution in the Middle East, and ramifications of his death.

An Editorial in News & Letters taking up who General Qassem Soleimani was, what he did in aiding counter-revolution in the Middle East, and ramifications of his death.
When the Green Movement started in Iran over the 2009 election, the so-called leaders were part of the government who were against Ahmadinejad. The growth of the movement of women and youth got so big it became “out of control” by the so-called leaders. The government leaders got scared because [=>]
Hero’s welcome for Ahmadinejad
Anyone still holding illusions about Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, as a genuine freedom fighter should have had them shattered by the hero’s welcome his organization offered Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last month. Ahmadinejad is executing revolutionaries and fighters for freedom while attempting to crush any vestiges of democracy in Iran.
In the words [=>]