Comments from the new News & Letters website

August 31, 2014

From the September-October 2014 issue of News & Letters

Regarding “New York City and Ferguson, Missouri, police show pattern of violence against Black people” (Aug. 11 N&L web statement): In 2009 in the UK we saw something similar. Police officers killed a man in the vicinity of a political protest, then told the press [=>]

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Educators rally in New York City

July 8, 2014

From the July-August 2014 issue of News & Letters

New York—More than 300 teachers—as well as education personnel, parents, students, and community leaders and supporters—from New York City and other parts of the tri-state area concerned about education inequalities rallied outside New York City’s City Hall.

In a “Take Back Our Schools” rally, we [=>]

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De Blasio’s phony housing policies

July 7, 2014

From the July-August 2014 issue of News & Letters

New York—When new Mayor Bill de Blasio was campaigning, his pledge was to end the “two cities” here, one of the rich and one of the rest of us. And a major component of that was to address the housing problem. Some may contend that [=>]

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Fast food workers betrayed by so-called ‘leaders’

New York—Last year, when thousands of fast food workers walked off their jobs defying their corporate bosses and marched and rallied for a $15 minimum wage and the right to organize a union, many people who have spent their lives fighting for justice in the workplace were excited.

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ATU orders bus drivers back to work

April 4, 2013

ATU orders bus drivers back to work: The strikers kept up the picket lines through a cold New York winter, defying rain, snow, and Bloomberg. The decision to order the drivers and matrons back to work in February came without any input from the strikers.

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Stop leeches bleeding public schools dry

December 21, 2011

Stop leeches bleeding public schools dry

New York City—”The Trial Is On! The People of NYC are gathering to put the perpetrators of education crimes and human and civil rights violations against our children on trial—in our own People’s Court!” On Oct. 15, the Coalition for Public Education (www.for­ took testimony from parents, teachers and [=>]

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In solidarity with Occupy Wall Street

November 18, 2011

Below is the text of a leaflet issued by News and Letters Committees members in New York.

News & Letters Committees stands in solidarity with the Occupy movements. We denounce the 1%-orchestrated forceful actions to stop our protests, from evictions at home to state-sponsored murders of innocent Syrian youth!

To help this young movement develop to its [=>]

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NYC pro-union rallies

April 12, 2011

New York–There have been union rallies here and throughout the state every day to protest the unionbusting legislation in Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio as well as the anti-union budget proposals put forth by New York City Mayor Bloomberg and New York Governor Cuomo. These budget proposals would lead to renegotiating pensions, gutting seniority rights and layoffs of [=>]

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Teachers mock boss

February 25, 2011

New York City—The following statement along with others was delivered at a press conference called by the NYC Green Party on Nov. 30 at 11:00 AM at Hearst Headquarters, 8th Ave. and 57th Street:

I am applying to head the Magazine division of Hearst Publications, a position vacated by Cathie Black [to become Schools Chancellor]. Although I have no [=>]

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Mayor Bloomberg’s schools get an F

November 24, 2010

From the Nov.-Dec. 2010 issue of News & Letters:

Mayor Bloomberg’s schools get an F

New York–In June 2009, Mayor Bloomberg and Schools Chancellor Joel Klein, together with the president of the Council of School Administrators and United Federation of Teachers President Mike Mulgrew, announced an increase in the four-year high school graduation rate for New York [=>]

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