WHEN: Monday, February 5, 2018, 6:30 PM
WHERE: News and Letters Library, 228 S. Wabash, Room 230, Chicago
News and Letters Committees invites you to a discussion on:
Iranian workers, women and youth reach for new radical beginnings
“On Dec. 28, 2017, demonstrations broke out in the city of Mashhad and quickly spread to over 90 cities and towns in every part of the country. After more than a week of nationwide demonstrations, dozens of people have been killed, and over 4,000 arrested.
“Protesters voiced human indignation over sharp increases in the cost of basic food items, unemployment, unpaid labor, government corruption, and proposed higher fuel prices. Women were clearly present and vocal. Most significantly, opposition was expressed to Iran’s genocidal, imperialist war in Syria.
“Demonstrators were mainly young. Youth unemployment has risen to 28.8% and general unemployment stands at 12.4%. This generation has few illusions about the political structure, and chants and slogans have been directed against both Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and ‘reformist’ President Hassan Rouhani.”
—From the lead article in News & Letters by Gerry Emmett. To see the entire article go to: https://newsandletters.org/iranian-workers-youth-reach-new-radical-beginnings/
Speaker: Gerry Emmett, editor of Crossroads of History: Marxist-Humanist Writings on the Middle East, By Raya Dunayevskaya
312-431-8242 / arise@newsandletters.org / www.newsandletters.org