DATE: Monday, May 2, 2016
PLACE: News & Letters Library, 228 S. Wabash, Room 230, Chicago
News and Letters Committees invites you to a meeting on
Revolutionary Interventions in Thought and in Activity:
Mexico, Latin America, the U.S., and Marxist-Humanism
From: “Latin America: How Can Marxist-Humanism Assist in Brining Forth a New Beginning in Thought and Action? by J.G.F. Hector and Eugene Walker: “Here we want to briefly touch upon four dimensions of such a new beginning: 1. What kind of economic analysis is needed that encompasses both neoliberalism and state-capitalism? 2. What has happened to social movements, to revolutionary subjects, under so-called progressive governments? 3. Is there a void in constructing an emancipatory philosophic view of the needed social transformation, and if so how can we overcome this void? 4. What kind of organizations–neither political parties, or elitist vanguards’, but as “small groups” of thinker-activists–are needed? What is their role? How can they be constructed?
From “Our Original Contribution as Organization Builder: by Ron Kelch: “News & Letters continues to capture the persistence of the idea of humanism and the drive for new human relations in self-emancipatory movements. This is the case in the multi-ethnic Syrian revolution and in the rethinking in the Arab world, facing the vicious post-Arab Spring counterrevolution. A new sense of humanist one-worldedness and globally connected humanity with respect to the economy or the environment confronts neo-fascism. The reach for a universal, multi-dimensional humanism keeps emerging anew…”
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