by Elise
Students at Mona Shores High School in Muskegon, Mich., won gender-neutral proms. After Oak Reed, a Transgender boy, was nominated prom King and school administrators threw out the ballots saying Reed is technically a girl, students protested by creating a Facebook page, “Oak is my king,” and passed out petitions.
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The International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) rally in Hong Kong was raided by police who threatened to arrest its organizers. Police also harassed and intimidated rally supporters by videotaping participants who are part of the Queer community as well as heterosexual supporters.
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Over 4,000 protesters stood on Hawthorne Bridge, in Portland, Ore., in late May in support of Brad Forkner and Christopher Rosevear, who were attacked for holding hands in public, and all LGBT people who’ve experienced anti-LGBT violence. None of the witnesses to the assault tried to help Forkner and Rosevear, and police are still seeking the men who beat them.