Convoy misrepresents Canadians

March 19, 2022

Critical view by a Canadian on the Canadian “Freedom Truckers” convoys, comparing how gently the truckers were treated by the authorities compared to how brutally First Nation people defending their land are treated today and how badly people were treated during the “October Crisis” of 1970 in Québec.

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Women worldwide, January-February 2021

February 2, 2021

Lenn Keller, a Black Lesbian feminist activist, historian, and documentary photographer, remembered; women sue MindGeek/Pornhub and pressure credit card companies; Chile women win demand for half the seats in constitutional convention; women win reinstatement in First Nation bands in Canada.

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II. The true pandemic war

April 29, 2020

Draft thesis for discussion about where the world is heading, and what to do about it from a revolutionary standpoint. Part II. The true pandemic war: A. The capitalists’ class war; B. Subjects of revolution fight back; and C. Pandemic class war reveals the social structure.

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Feb. 3 protest against Keystone XL pipeline in Chicago. Photo by Franklin Dmitryev for News & Letters.

‘Say NO to KXL!’

March 20, 2014

Chicago–“Say NO to KXL!” was the message of 100 protesters outside the local State Department offices on the bitter cold night of Feb. 3, demanding that President Obama reject the Keystone XL pipeline that would carry extra-dirty tar sands oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast. It was one of 283 actions across the U.S. and Canada organized in three days after the State Department released its fake environmental report on the pipeline–a report crafted by cronies of TransCanada, Keystone’s owner, with the imprimatur of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

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A divided Canada

August 15, 2011

Following the May 2 federal elections, Canadians woke up to a very different Canada. In this “new” Canada the polarization of Canadian society has finally fully revealed itself, polarized by social class, between English-speaking and French-speaking, and between the “Right” and “Left” ends of the political spectrum. The Conservatives, a true right-wing Party under Stephen [=>]

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