World in View: Ortega attacks Nicaraguan human rights

March 21, 2023

Fearing defeat in the 2021 Presidential elections, Ortega’s solution was to jail or deport every possible presidential candidate, along with others opposing his rule, including ex-Sandinistas from the revolution like well-known Sandinista Comandante Dora María Téllez.

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Free Maâti Monjib

November 11, 2021

Call to support Moroccan journalist Maâti Monjib, who was convicted of “fraud” and “undermining state security” by a court in Rabat, Morocco, and who has begun another hunger strike.

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Support Maâti Monjib!

September 29, 2021

A letter from Maati Monjib asking for support from the human rights community in the face of his next hearing before the Rabat Court of Appeal on September 30.

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Iran workers jailed

September 1, 2019

Abbas Goya denounces the incarceration of Esmaeil Bakhshi, leading figure of the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane factory strike, along with Ali Nejati and worker-journalist Sepideh Gholyan and the editors of Gaam, a pro-worker paper in Iran.

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Free Angye Gaona!

February 12, 2012

World in View
by Gerry Emmett

Free Angye Gaona!

I collect the rootlets of thought.
I carry them on my eroded back
next to the wild oblivion falling from me.
—Angye Gaona

The U.S.-allied Colombian government has falsely charged Surrealist poet and activist Angye Gaona with “drug trafficking” and “rebellion.” She is being held under house [=>]

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