Jordan truckers strike

January 24, 2023

Truck drivers in Jordan were on strike during most of December, as soaring fuel prices have left them unable to work. Other Jordanians, especially youth, who are fed up with energy prices and high unemployment, held protests which blocked two highways.

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Convoy misrepresents Canadians

March 19, 2022

Critical view by a Canadian on the Canadian “Freedom Truckers” convoys, comparing how gently the truckers were treated by the authorities compared to how brutally First Nation people defending their land are treated today and how badly people were treated during the “October Crisis” of 1970 in Québec.

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Canadian convoy fuels fascism, not freedom

February 11, 2022

Despite 90% of Canadian truckers being vaccinated, organizers counted on a couple hundred semis to mask the fascist movements and money propelling this “freedom convoy.” The mask came off quickly, as participants paraded Nazi and Confederate flags, and even TRUMP 2024 banners, while others desecrated national memorials.

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Autonomous trucks vs drivers’ pay

July 29, 2021

Large trucking companies are teaming up with others to inaugurate test runs of “Autonomous Relay Convoys” where an autonomous truck is programmed to follow a human driving a leader truck, as a way to eliminate human truck drivers and lower wages.

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