Message to LALIT for their Labor Day (May Day) gathering

May 18, 2016

April 30, 2016


Dear Sisters and Brothers of LALIT,

We in News and Letters Committees are honored to send you whole-hearted revolutionary greetings and hopes for a successful Labor Day gathering.  Your struggles against capital in league with the Mauritius government are a reminder of how capital is now global, and so are the struggles against it.  Here in the U.S., the rulers are trying to divide the working class by portraying other workers, especially from other countries, as the enemy.  At the same time, there are many struggles by workers for better conditions and wages that do understand the need for international solidarity.

This is why our Marxist-Humanist Perspectives for this year speaks of “the need for the working class in the world’s richest economy to ‘pave a new road of world solidarity between themselves and all the “immigrants” of the world. The first step in that direction is the recognition of the fact that many of them have been repeating the reactionary ideas of their own exploiters.’…

“White workers in the U.S. live in the same world as Black and Latina/Latino workers, as undocumented immigrant workers, as workers in Chinese and Indian sweatshops, as miners in South Africa and Chile, as domestic workers in Mexico and Lebanon, and all are on the same exploited side of the class divide. Black and Latina workers, who are overwhelmingly opposed to presidential contender Donald Trump and his ilk, are the majority of those driving struggles on behalf of the working class in the U.S., from the fight for a $15 minimum wage to organizing of low-wage workers at fast food restaurants and Wal-Marts, to the militant struggles of teachers in cities like Chicago and Detroit.”

We stand in solidarity with you, both for your benefit and for ours. We are confident that the freedom struggles that abound in the world will multiply. And we are confident that these struggles will continue to deepen their reach for a new human society, and for the thought that is needed to allow humanity not only to tear down this exploitative order but to build a new free world.

As always, we wish we could be with you in person but you always have our revolutionary solidarity.

For freedom,

Terry Moon, Managing Editor, News & Letters

for News and Letters Committees

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