by Elise
Individual supporters in Madrid, Spain, joined COGAM-Colectivo LGTB+ de Madrid and many other human rights and Queer rights groups at a rally to call for stronger laws to protect LGBTQ+ people in light of a massive number of Queerphobic attacks over the past year. Queer people have been robbed and assaulted at the highest rate this year since crimes have started being recorded.
LGBTQ+ people and their supporters in New York City protested the homophobic assault against Abimbola Adelaja and his friend, who wishes to remain anonymous, at a bodega. The employees did nothing to help them. Both Gay men were verbally assaulted with homophobic slurs and were slashed and stabbed. The New York City Police Department’s Hate Crimes Task force is still investigating and arrested one suspect, charging him with attempted second degree murder as well as hate-crime related robbery, harassment, aggravated harassment, menacing, and assault with a weapon.
Parents in Tennessee, helped by the Human Rights Campaign, are suing the state to overturn its anti-Trans law that allows schools to be sued by cisgender students if they find that a Trans student is in a cisgender bathroom. The law also mandates that schools provide an alternative bathroom for Trans students. After 16-year-old-Trans student Tobi Yandle was locked out of the “alternative” restroom at Siegel High School, the one used by faculty, he used the boys’ restroom. Siegel High School administration blamed Yandle for the bullying he consequently received from other students.