Share your story in the next issue of News & Letters: Nov.-Dec. deadline

November 10, 2016

The deadline for the November-December 2016 issue of News & Letters is Sunday, November 13.

Share your story with the world! Send in reports on your workplace, your town, your country; conditions, events, ideas, and debates. Send in Readers’ Views responding to articles in News & Letters and/or to what is happening in the world—such as the U.S. elections, the struggle in Standing Rock, Black Lives Matter and continuing violence by the police, revolution and counter-revolution in Syria, the destruction in Yemen, popular movements in Latin America, repression in Russia …

And if you haven’t already, check out our latest issue and some of our recent posts:

September-October 2016 N&L available on the web

Why Indigenous Peoples Day

Policies of exclusion challenged across the board and across the border

Brooklyn, New York, teachers win big

Chicago solidarity action with Native resistance to oil pipeline in North Dakota

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