COVID and the Diné

May 14, 2022

The Diné, one of the largest Native American tribes in the U.S., show a strikingly different attitude to the COVID-19 pandemic. They have a strong sense of group responsibility as opposed to the phony “rugged individualism” that reveals a warped idea of what freedom means.

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COVID and the Diné

April 30, 2022

The Diné, one of the largest Native American tribes in the U.S., show a strikingly different attitude to the COVID-19 pandemic. They have a strong sense of group responsibility as opposed to the phony “rugged individualism” that reveals a warped idea of what freedom means.

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Handicap This! November-December 2016

December 1, 2016

A woman is fired because her daughter was regarded as disabled; how Knott’s Berry Farm had to shut down an attraction giving distorted views of mental illness; the U.S. Department of Labor awarded grants to six states as part of its Disability Employment Initiative.

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Occupy Movement faces racism

August 2, 2012

Chicago—On June 18, Occupy Chicago held the first of a series of discussions on “The Elephant in the Room: A workshop about dismantling racism in the Occupy Movement.”

Discussion was lively, and comradely, among the majority Black, Latino and Native American participants, but represented just the beginning of an effort to “voice the unvoiced.” One Latino [=>]

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