Two ongoing events in Mexico: 1) The state finally admitted its role in the 2014 murder of 43 Ayotzinapa students, and 2) the administration’s construction of an oil refinery in Dos Boscos.
Enrique Peña Nieto
News from Mexico: January-February 2021
January 31, 2021While the U.S. and Mexico argue whether General Salvador Cienfuegos and former Mexican President Peña Nieto were involved in abetting a narco-trafficking cartel, the Mexican army and navy have a despicable history of human rights violations never honestly investigated. The Zapatistas issued a “Declaration for Life” and intercontinental call for meetings.
The 5th anniversary of Ayotzinapa
November 17, 2019In the 5th anniversary of the forced disappearance of 43 students in Mexico. Can the fight against the “corruption” of the new administration change anything fundamental?
Immigrant caravan born in the USA
December 3, 2018Migrants on the immigrant caravan to the U.S. speak for themselves about why they left their home countries, which have experienced problems due to a history of U.S. imperialism.
Women Worldwide: January-February 2018
February 4, 2018A group in rural Western Kenya fights “widow cleansing”; Mexican women from San Salvador Atenco, raped and tortured by government police in 2007, seek justice at Inter-American Court; El Salvadoran women convicted of aggravated murder after stillbirths or miscarriages seek justice with the help of the Citizen Group for the Decriminalization of Abortion.
World in View: Pope Francis in Mexico: pity and contradiction
March 18, 2016The Pope has a partial, limited critique of certain transgressions of industrial capitalism. In some areas of human rights, the Pope and the Catholic Church as an institution is not only silent, but in opposition.
Aceptando el desafío de este nuevo momento en México: De la represión a la resistencia a la rebelión
February 16, 2015Carta Politico-Filosofica, Num. 2
¿Que hacer? Una dialetica de la organizacion y la filosofia
Praxis en America Latina noviembre-diciembre 2014 edición
November 19, 2014La nueva edicion de Praxis en America Latina. Esperamos sus comentarios. Por favor, reenvíenla a sus redes y contactos.
Los normalistas de Ayotzinapa: Asesinato y criminalización de la juventud en México
November 7, 2014A la barbarie del Estado mexicano, sus adherentes y secuaces, nosotros le oponemos la necesidad de construir un nuevo humanismo, la unidad de teoría y práctica —en suma: la revolución en permanencia.
Latin America in continuous struggle
November 22, 2013Resistance by Indigenous groups in Colombia; Indigenous Guatemalans resist Canadian mining company; teachers in Mexico protest “educational reform” law
Mexico: ‘Yo soy #132’
July 23, 2012World in View
Mexico: ‘Yo soy #132’
Mexico City—Into this dismal Presidential electoral season has come a breath of fresh air: a student movement by the name of “I am #132.” It arose in mid-May and spread like wildfire in universities throughout the country, with thousands and then tens of thousands of secondary and university students joining [=>]