Nationwide marches for abortion rights

July 5, 2022

March participants report on the thousands of women, men and gender diverse people who demonstrated across the U.S., including Chicago and the Bay Area. They were protesting the Supreme Court decision that decimated women’s right to an abortion and thus to control over their own bodies.

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Medicare for all!

September 12, 2021

A high-school student from San Jose read her poem castigating lousy U.S. health insurance at a Medicare For All (M4A) Rally in San Francisco on July 24.

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Unemployed workers organize and march, demanding relief

March 11, 2021

Newly organized as Northern California Unemployed Committee, people marched to draw attention to the disparities within capitalism exacerbated by COVID-19. They demanded the federal government stop taxing unemployment benefits and that it restore the $600 per week unemployment supplement.

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‘Care not cages’

April 27, 2017

Immigrant rights and prisoner rights activists held a demonstration outside the largest immigrant detention facility in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Labor support for Oscar Grant

November 21, 2010

From the Nov.-Dec. 2010 issue of News & Letters:

Labor for Oscar Grant

Labor and community support for Oscar Grant; photo for News & Letters by Urszula Wislanka

Oakland, Cal.–On Oct. 23 the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) closed all the ports in the Bay Area, leading labor and community in support of Oscar Grant, shot to [=>]

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California nurses strike for healthcare

November 14, 2010

From the Nov.-Dec. 2010 issue of News & Letters:

California nurses strike for healthcare


California nurses strike for healthcare


Oakland, Cal.–On Oct. 12-14, nurses at Oakland’s Children’s Hospital staged a three-day strike over the proposed takebacks in their healthcare benefits. Practically all the nurses (95%) walked out. Here is what some said:

Martha: I’ve worked at Children’s Hospital, [=>]

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