Integral to Dunayevskaya’s work of 1986-87 was her concentration on a crucial problem of our era—the relationship between the search for non-elitist forms of organization and the dialectics of philosophy. That relation is crucial to work out if we are to overcome the legacy of unfinished, aborted, transformed-into-opposite revolutions. In singling out these 1953 Letters on Hegel’s Absolutes as the “ground and roof” for overcoming the separation of philosophy from organization, Dunayevskaya’s June 1, 1987, presentation on Dialectics of Organization and Philosophy speaks to all those searching for pathways to overcome the division between theory and practice to uproot this racist, sexist, class-divided society.
…Each of these works represents a concretization of, and a return to, the 1953 Letters on Hegel’s Absolutes. In her Presentation on Dialectics of Organization and Philosophy, Dunayevskaya re-examined this 1953 philosophic breakthrough once more, this time in relation to the dialectics of organization and philosophy—in Marx, in post-Marx Marxism, and in Marxist- Humanism. In this presentation, which has three parts—The Philosophic Point; Dialectics of Organization; and Untrodden Paths in Organization— Dunayevskaya created a whole new philosophic category, pinpointing her 1953 Letters on Hegel’s Absolutes as the “philosophic moment” from which all Marxist-Humanist originality has sprung.