Women in defense of the territory

March 19, 2022

A call from women living in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico, to meet together to fight developmentalist capitalism, and stop the rampant violence against women in the area.

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‘The Isthmus Is Ours’

March 4, 2022

A call from women living in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico, to meet together to fight developmentalist capitalism, and stop the rampant violence against women in the area.

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Miners fight against strikebreakers

August 28, 2020

Grupo México, the largest Mexican-owned mining company, ruthlessly exploits miners and contaminates water, disregarding health and safety. Miners, their families, and communities have been fighting back.

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International Women’s Day 2020

March 26, 2020

What was new this International Women’s Day was larger marches, greater militancy of women participants, the new places where they took place, and the attacks against them which escalated significantly from previous years.

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Women’s movements reach for new global stage

March 6, 2020

What has become clear in 2020 is the global nature of the women’s movements. It is a new stage which has announced itself by the international fight against femicide; the Women’s Marches; and by the National Women’s Meetings in Latin America, also called Encuentros.

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Letter from Mexico: Meaning of Mexican workers’ struggles

March 18, 2016

Upsurge of workers’ struggles in 2015 in Mexico, from field workers in San Quintin, Baja California to maquiladora workers in Ciudad Juarez along with ongoing opposition to government educational “reforms” by teachers in the autonomous union CNTE, demonstrate workers’ resistance to the plans of capital and its state. How can organizations of activist-thinkers meet what workers have achieved in our own organizational response?

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Woman as Reason: Language and death in Juárez

February 12, 2014

The way we construct experience with language has effects on its transmission and on the configuration of subjectivity, not only in aesthetics and ethics, but also in understanding politics. That is the case in the crimes committed against women in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua and other states in Mexico.

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January-February 2014 News & Letters online

February 4, 2014

The January-February issue of News & Letters is online. Rampant U.S. surveillance slouches toward totalitarianism; Tahrir three years later; Charles Denby, worker-editor; Syrian revolution ‘brought us together’; Communization theory’s missing link: dialectical mediation; what happens after; Language and death in Juárez; Let RNs give care; …

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World in View: Murder in Juárez

April 18, 2011

by Gerry Emmett

Violence attributed to rival drug cartels has again fallen heavily on the border areas around Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. In one weekend in February, 53 people died in the city of only 1.5 million. Since 2008, over 7,600 have died, with 3,112 murdered last year alone. Beyond the cartels, there is suspicion that businesses [=>]

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Ciudad Juárez activists speak out

March 12, 2011

San Francisco, Cal.—The Mexico-U.S. Solidarity Network (mexicosolidarity.org) sponsored a tour for Ciudad Juárez activists Verónica Leyva and Felix Pérez. Below we print excerpts of their talk given in San Francisco in November.


Verónica Leyva: To speak of Ciudad Juárez is to speak about extreme negative impacts of capitalism: the effects of globalization, the precarious situation of [=>]

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