The January-February 2016 issue of News & Letters, Vol. 61, #1, is available on the web.
View the issue online, as pdf, or as epub.
Lead: Paris climate accord’s suicidal complacency spurs protests
The Paris Agreement on climate change reveals limits of what capitalism will do even in the face of catastrophe. The question is what kind of development can people in all kinds of countries achieve?
In memoriam Olga Domanski, 1923-2015
The world has lost a great fighter for liberation. Olga Domanski, one of the founders of News and Letters Committees, whose life’s work was the development and projection of Marxist-Humanism and the growth of its organizational expression.
Editorial: Chicago’s racism on trial
On the deadly racism of the Chicago and U.S. police and the creative response from those struggling against it.
Editorial: Erdogan slaughters Kurds
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s slaughter of Kurdish civilians and activists is viewed in the context of world revolution and counter-revolution.
Workshop Talks: Urgency of solidarity
Workers often ignore borders to solidarize with fellow humans. Solidarity needed now against atrocities against Syrian civilians and in support of Larycia Hawkins risking tenure to stand with Muslims under attack.
Women as thinkers and revolutionaries
Olga Domanski’s summary of the series on “Women as Thinkers and as Revolutionaries” by Raya Dunayevskaya.
Prisoner beats legal odds to win guard retaliation lawsuit
Jury unanimously finds that prison guards violated California prisoner Jesse Perez’s constitutional rights in retaliation for his activism.
Witnessing revolution in Rojava
Eyewitness report of a trip to Rojava in Syria in mid-2015.
Venezuela’s elections
It was a stunning defeat. Where to now for the Venezuelan masses who supported Chavez in power, but many of whom feel disappointed in the post-Chavez period?
Comrades and friends remember Olga
Page 2
Olga Domanski: embodiment of Woman as Reason
Out In The Union: A Labor History of Queer America
‘Comfort’ women dispute agreement
Women WorldWide
Page 3
Risking jobs for union and respect
Detroit teachers’ sick-out
Two-tier ruins Muni
Pages 6-7, Readers’ Views
Readers’ Views Part 1
Readers’ Views Part 2
Olga Domanski’s revolutionary life, 1923-2015
Page 8
‘Wellness check’ is Orwellian for torture
China in crisis moves to crush dissent
Page 9
Detroit, Flint – Water is a Human Right
Trans Victims Honored
Handicap This!
Queer Notes
Page 11
Stop campus racism!
Youth in Action
Page 12, World in View
Ruqia Hassan’s dignity
David Bowie’s legacy
Paris massacre heralds more reaction
Each issue, like all of our literature, is meant to be the beginning of a dialogue. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the articles you read in News & Letters, whether as comments you post on the website or otherwise.