Zapatista Declaration for Life

January 2, 2021

The Zapatistas have just issued a new declaration signed by hundreds of organizations regarding their work in the last several months establishing contacts with many groups and discussing what unites and divides them and working out what allows them all to move forward. They agreed to continue to have meetings around the globe, inviting those [=>]

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News from Mexico: November-December 2020

November 28, 2020

Guanajuato has 2,587 missing persons, and 3,438 intentional homicides in the first nine months of 2020; President López Obrador claims to be against neoliberalism, but combines it with state-capitalism in developmentalist projects; many states and communities are COVID-19 hot spots with high levels of deaths, particularly in maquiladoras; and the Zapatistas report on their situation vis-a-vis COVID-19, and their resistance along with CNI against developmentalist projects.

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Women’s movements reach for new global stage

March 6, 2020

What has become clear in 2020 is the global nature of the women’s movements. It is a new stage which has announced itself by the international fight against femicide; the Women’s Marches; and by the National Women’s Meetings in Latin America, also called Encuentros.

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Pipeline tragedy in Mexico

March 11, 2019

The horrendous oil pipeline explosion in Tlahuelilpan, Mexico, which killed over 100 campesinos and injured many more, has shaken all of Mexico. This was a tragedy long in the making.

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Letter from Mexico: Zapatista and other women meet

May 2, 2018

The First International Gathering of Politics, Art, Sport, and Culture for Women in Struggle, organized by the Zapatista Indigenous women, took place in Chiapas from March 8-10. More than 5,000 women from all over the world shared their thoughts on feminism, art and work.

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Letter from Mexico: Indigenous organize to contest 2018 vote

January 31, 2017

The National Indigenous Congress in Mexico announced that 430 communities had created an Indigenous Governing Council to prepare for selecting a woman to contest the presidential election in 2018, not with the goal of taking power through the ballot box, but to elicit the voices and actions from below.

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‘We defend the earth’

July 6, 2016

Indigenous people, mostly women, respond to a video about their community, the ejido of Tila, which struggled against the government who tried to take their land and are now an independent community.

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Letter from Mexico: Zapatistas on praxis

May 1, 2015

The Zapatistas are not just creating a new world in practice, but in theory—as we have seen by the radical concept Compa/Work Day (CWD), which opens new possibilities to emancipatory social movements. Or, better to say: They can develop revolutionary theory because they develop simultaneously a revolutionary practice (and vice versa).

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Seeking justice for 43 in Ayotzinapa

“Caravana 43” includes some of the parents of 43 students who were “disappeared” in September from the Normal Rural School Raúl Isidro Burgos in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, Mexico, and are touring the U.S. Here are in-person reports from their trips to Berkeley, Calif., and Detroit, Mich.

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World in View: Zapatistas and the Ayotzinapa rebellion

January 31, 2015

More than three months after the forced disappearance of their 43 sons—students of the Normal Rural School Raúl Isidro Burgos in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero—their fathers and mothers continue their protests. In mid-November the parents arrived in Chiapas to share their pain and outrage with the Zapatista Indigenous communities.

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Nueva edicion de Praxis en America Latina, 8-9/2014

August 28, 2014

Por favor, comparta con sus amigos y redes.

revista  Praxis en América Latina – teoría/practica



 No. 12, agosto-septiembre 2014

 Los números anteriores:  # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,


Desde México

Por un socialismo de autogestión común a todos los anti-capitalistas

Panorama del movimiento estudiantil en Xalapa

“¿Por qué ya no luchamos?, ¿por qué no defendemos”: la lucha del pueblo de San Bartolo Ameyalco por el agua

Prólogo a la [=>]

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Praxis en América Latina No. 11

June 30, 2014

Praxis en América Latina: nuevo número.

revista  Praxis en América Latina – teoría/practica
No. 11    mayo 2014

Sección especial: Escuelita Zapatista

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Zapatistas’ new era

February 13, 2013

World in View

Dec. 21, 2012, was a special date in the Mayan calendar—the end of an era and the beginning of a new historic cycle. For the Zapatistas of Chiapas in southern Mexico, it signaled a new moment of the movement. Some 40,000 Zapatistas from the autonomous Indigenous communities in resistance marched through the five [=>]

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