Discussion article on the question of unity and diversity of struggles, theory and practice, Marxism and other currents of thought, exploring briefly the Zapatista Indigenous movement from 1994 to the present.
Mexico Notes: July-August 2021
June 29, 2021Mexico Notes on Precarious Labor; Zapatistas in Spain, and The collapse of the Mexico City Metro-line.
Zapatista Declaration for Life
January 2, 2021The Zapatistas have just issued a new declaration signed by hundreds of organizations regarding their work in the last several months establishing contacts with many groups and discussing what unites and divides them and working out what allows them all to move forward. They agreed to continue to have meetings around the globe, inviting those [=>]
News from Mexico: November-December 2020
November 28, 2020Guanajuato has 2,587 missing persons, and 3,438 intentional homicides in the first nine months of 2020; President López Obrador claims to be against neoliberalism, but combines it with state-capitalism in developmentalist projects; many states and communities are COVID-19 hot spots with high levels of deaths, particularly in maquiladoras; and the Zapatistas report on their situation vis-a-vis COVID-19, and their resistance along with CNI against developmentalist projects.
Essay: The Forum in Defense of Territory and Mother Earth–Unity of the struggles from a dialectical perspective, and what comes next?
August 29, 2020In light of the Zapatistas’ Forum in Defense of Territory and Mother Earth, Héctor explores the search for unity by diverse movements in relation to Hegel’s dialectic of the whole and the parts.
The Forum in Defense of Mother Earth: The unity of the struggles from a dialectical perspective and what comes next?
July 29, 2020In light of the Forum in Defense of Territory and Mother Earth, J.G.F. Héctor explores the search for unity by diverse movements in relation to Hegel’s dialectic of the whole and the parts.
El COVID-19 evidencia la crisis del capitalismo, muestra la urgencia de una nueva sociedad humana
March 24, 2020Más allá de la mayor o menor eficacia de la respuesta de uno u otro gobierno ante la pandemia, es el capitalismo en su conjunto el que muestra su incapacidad para darle solución a los problemas que amenazan la vida humana.
COVID-19 manifests the crisis of capitalism, shows the urgency of a new human society
Beyond the greater or lesser effectiveness of the response of one or the other government to the pandemic, it is capitalism as a whole that shows its inability to solve the problems that threaten human life.
Zapatistas host ‘Women Who Fight’
March 17, 2020Report by two women who attended the Zapatista Second International Gathering of Women Who Fight in Chiapas, Mexico.
Women’s movements reach for new global stage
March 6, 2020What has become clear in 2020 is the global nature of the women’s movements. It is a new stage which has announced itself by the international fight against femicide; the Women’s Marches; and by the National Women’s Meetings in Latin America, also called Encuentros.
Indigenous protest megaprojects
March 4, 2020Report from Mexico on the three Days of Action “In Defense of Territory and Mother Earth,” by a participant in Mexico City.
Letter from Mexico: Indigenous create tools of resistance
Report on the Assembly from Oaxaca in Defense of the Land and Territory, held as part of the three Days of Action called by the Zapatistas and the National Indigenous Congress to commemorate one year since the murder of Indigenous activist Samir Flores.
Letter from Mexico: Chiapas Indigenous join Zapatistas
September 1, 2019Analysis of the new moment arrived at by the Zapatista Indigenous movement, which now has 11 more units of self-government in the southearstern state of Chiapas, Mexico.
Letter from Mexico: Remembering Emiliano Zapata
April 27, 2019Praxis en América Latina organizer J.G.F. Héctor takes up the revolutionary legacy of Emiliano Zapata, and resistance to the president and his attempt to appropriate Zapata.
Pipeline tragedy in Mexico
March 11, 2019The horrendous oil pipeline explosion in Tlahuelilpan, Mexico, which killed over 100 campesinos and injured many more, has shaken all of Mexico. This was a tragedy long in the making.
Letter from Mexico, September-October 2018: Next in the struggle
September 19, 2018The Zapatistas called for a gathering Aug. 3-5 in Chiapas of the support networks that participated in trying to register the spokeswoman of the Indigenous Governing Council as an independent candidate for the presidential election in Mexico.
Letter from Mexico: Will López Obrador hear masses?
July 25, 2018Since leftist López Obrador won the Presidency of Mexico, the masses will watch him and raise their voices if he fails in his promises for workers and Indigenous and against violence and corruption.
Letter from Mexico: Zapatista and other women meet
May 2, 2018The First International Gathering of Politics, Art, Sport, and Culture for Women in Struggle, organized by the Zapatista Indigenous women, took place in Chiapas from March 8-10. More than 5,000 women from all over the world shared their thoughts on feminism, art and work.
Letter from Mexico: How will Indigenous movement organize?
March 12, 2018The National Indigenous Congress did not collect enough signatures to allow María de Jesús Patricio to run as an independent candidate for President of Mexico in 2018. This has deepened discussions of how to create horizontal, autonomous organizations born from below.
Letter from Mexico: Zapatistas and science for humanity
February 6, 2018At the second gathering of “ConSciences for Humanity,” scientists shared with the Zapatista Indigenous communities their views of “Science in the face of the wall [capitalism].”
Letter from Mexico, September-October 2017: Where Ayotzinapa movement can lead
August 31, 2017Sept. 26 is the third anniversary of the forced disappearance of 43 students from the rural normal school Raúl Isidro Burgos in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, nevertheless their parents and fellow students continue to agitate for their return.
Readers’ Views: July-August 2017, Part 1
July 2, 2017Readers’ Views on Philosophy and Revolt vs. Trumpism; Trump and the Left; Injustice to Immigrants; Anti-Woman, Anti-Labor Uber; ACT UP; From Iran; To Mexico; Why Read News & Letters?
Letter from Mexico: Zapatistas support U.S. migrants
May 2, 2017Zapatistas in Mexico issued a statement and provided material support for immigrants resisting expulsion, especially from the U.S. .
Letter from Mexico: Indigenous organize to contest 2018 vote
January 31, 2017The National Indigenous Congress in Mexico announced that 430 communities had created an Indigenous Governing Council to prepare for selecting a woman to contest the presidential election in 2018, not with the goal of taking power through the ballot box, but to elicit the voices and actions from below.
Letter from Mexico, Nov.-Dec. 2016: Teachers and Indigenous Congress
November 26, 2016The protests by the teachers against the “educational reform” in Mexico ended and The National Indigenous Congress and the Zapatistas proposed an Indigenous Governing Council, represented by an Indigenous woman who will participate in the 2018 presidential elections.
‘We defend the earth’
July 6, 2016Indigenous people, mostly women, respond to a video about their community, the ejido of Tila, which struggled against the government who tried to take their land and are now an independent community.
World in View: Pope Francis in Mexico: pity and contradiction
March 18, 2016The Pope has a partial, limited critique of certain transgressions of industrial capitalism. In some areas of human rights, the Pope and the Catholic Church as an institution is not only silent, but in opposition.
Letter from Mexico: The Zapatistas and Critical Thought
July 4, 2015An appreciative and critical look at the Zapatistas’ seminar held in Chiapas, Mexico, May 3-9 on “Critical Thought in Face of the Hydra of Capitalism,” by a participant.
Mexico City, Foro El Pensamiento Crítico Frente a la Hidra del Capitalismo en México Hoy
June 27, 2015Sunday, June 28th, 12:00 hrs., Sección 9 CNTE
Real life and the resistance of the masses from below: teachers, students, workers, etc.
Dialectics as critical thought
World in View: Rojava, revolution and today’s youth
May 7, 2015The affinity of so many, including Black, Latino and Third World youth, with the struggle of Rojava’s Kurds—like that in Chiapas before—can be of the utmost philosophic importance.
Readers’ Views, May-June 2015
May 3, 2015Letters and comments sent in by readers or taken down, to and about the articles in News & Letters or current events.
Letter from Mexico: Zapatistas on praxis
May 1, 2015The Zapatistas are not just creating a new world in practice, but in theory—as we have seen by the radical concept Compa/Work Day (CWD), which opens new possibilities to emancipatory social movements. Or, better to say: They can develop revolutionary theory because they develop simultaneously a revolutionary practice (and vice versa).
Seeking justice for 43 in Ayotzinapa
“Caravana 43” includes some of the parents of 43 students who were “disappeared” in September from the Normal Rural School Raúl Isidro Burgos in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, Mexico, and are touring the U.S. Here are in-person reports from their trips to Berkeley, Calif., and Detroit, Mich.
Los Zapatistas y los padres y estudiantes de Ayotzinapa: Una unión decisiva
February 16, 2015Carta Politico-Filosofica, Num. 3 praxisamericalatina@gmail.com
Un nuevo momento en la dialéctica de la lucha
Eugene Gogol
Desde [=>]
Aceptando el desafío de este nuevo momento en México: De la represión a la resistencia a la rebelión
Carta Politico-Filosofica, Num. 2 praxisamericalatina@gmail.com
¿Que hacer? Una dialetica de la organizacion y la filosofia
World in View: Zapatistas and the Ayotzinapa rebellion
January 31, 2015More than three months after the forced disappearance of their 43 sons—students of the Normal Rural School Raúl Isidro Burgos in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero—their fathers and mothers continue their protests. In mid-November the parents arrived in Chiapas to share their pain and outrage with the Zapatista Indigenous communities.
Letter from Mexico: Mexican protests deepen
January 29, 2015At the end of the Nov. 20 mass demonstration in Mexico City in support of Ayotzinapa’s missing students, acts of repression from state forces became more open and intense.
Praxis en America Latina noviembre-diciembre 2014 edición
November 19, 2014La nueva edicion de Praxis en America Latina. Esperamos sus comentarios. Por favor, reenvíenla a sus redes y contactos.
Los normalistas de Ayotzinapa: Asesinato y criminalización de la juventud en México
November 7, 2014A la barbarie del Estado mexicano, sus adherentes y secuaces, nosotros le oponemos la necesidad de construir un nuevo humanismo, la unidad de teoría y práctica —en suma: la revolución en permanencia.
Nueva edicion de Praxis en America Latina, 8-9/2014
August 28, 2014Por favor, comparta con sus amigos y redes.
revista Praxis en América Latina – teoría/practica
No. 12, agosto-septiembre 2014
Los números anteriores: # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
Desde México
Por un socialismo de autogestión común a todos los anti-capitalistas
Panorama del movimiento estudiantil en Xalapa
“¿Por qué ya no luchamos?, ¿por qué no defendemos”: la lucha del pueblo de San Bartolo Ameyalco por el agua
Prólogo a la [=>]
WORLD IN VIEW: Latin America’s people in view and in motion
July 8, 2014Colombia’s Election and ‘Peace’; Zapatista Activist Assassinated; World Cup Shows Other Brazil.
Praxis en América Latina No. 11
June 30, 2014Praxis en América Latina: nuevo número.
revista Praxis en América Latina – teoría/practica
No. 11 mayo 2014
Sección especial: Escuelita Zapatista
Readers’ Views, March-April 2014, Part 2
April 9, 2014Readers’ Views from the March-April 2014 issue of News & Letters, part 2.
Stay Solid! A Radical Handbook for Youth
February 26, 2014Michael Gilbert reviews “Stay Solid! A Radical Handbook for Youth.”
Latin America in view, September-October 2013
September 23, 2013Latin America in View, Sept.-Oct. 2013: Ecuador oil drilling; Brazil rapes; Mexico Escuelita Zapatista.
Zapatistas’ new era
February 13, 2013World in View
Dec. 21, 2012, was a special date in the Mayan calendar—the end of an era and the beginning of a new historic cycle. For the Zapatistas of Chiapas in southern Mexico, it signaled a new moment of the movement. Some 40,000 Zapatistas from the autonomous Indigenous communities in resistance marched through the five [=>]