May-June 2023, Vol. 68, #3

June 16, 2023

Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2023-2024: Polycrisis and the need to transform reality; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Marx’s critique of Hegel, and dialectics of organization and philosophy; Woman as Reason: Save democracy, save abortion; Capitalism can’t deal with disability; Capitalism profits off immigrants’ woes; Assad welcomed back; The courage of #MeToo; School workers strike across Canada; World in View: Sudanese killed by feuding generals; more…

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March-April 2023, Vol. 68, #2

March 24, 2023

Lead article: Police murder of Tyre Nichols puts U.S. civilization on trial yet again; Editorial: Earthquake deaths are not a natural disaster; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: The vanguard role of Black masses in American freedom movements; The revolution in Iran continues to develop; World in View: Ortega attacks Nicaraguan human rights; Driver for profit derails lives in Ohio; Pogrom by Israeli settlers; Abortion every day; Is COVID over? and more…

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January-February 2023, Vol. 68, #1

January 26, 2023

Lead article: COP15 and COP27: Ecology summits hide two worlds clashing; Editorial: Iranian masses deepen their revolution; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Unfoldment of, and contradictions in, Iranian Revolution, parts III and IV; Essay: Ukrainian self-determination and idea of freedom; China’s white paper revolution scares Xi Jinping; In Memoriam Azadkar; Peru’s Congress targets Indigenous; World in View: Migrants die in Qatar; more…

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November-December 2022, Vol. 67, #6

November 14, 2022

Lead article: Iranian regime fears revolution as women fight for total change; Editorial: Ukraine makes gains, Putin brandishes nukes; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Contradictions in Iranian Revolution; Essay: Attitudes to the climate crisis and technology; Amazon Prime Day is for job actions; World in View: Haitians demand self-determination; other…

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September-October 2022, Vol. 67, #5

September 26, 2022

Lead article: Women, youth fight back as horror of abortion bans unfolds; Editorial 1: Ukraine is a beacon against fascism & war; Editorial 2: SCOTUS trashes freedom; Woman as Reason: Fighting against forced veiling; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Letter to Adrienne Rich–Women’s liberation, Gay liberation & dialectic; Essay: State-capitalism and the idea of freedom; World in View: Grave contradictions plague Mexico; other…

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July-August 2022, Vol. 67, #4

July 22, 2022

Lead article: War, climate chaos, capitalism, COVID: World food crisis spreads; Editorials: Abortion bans show need for new society, and Trump’s continuing coup; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Hegel’s call to grasp spirit of the times; Essay: Society in the grip of genocidal ideology; Woman as Reason: Their target: women’s freedom; World in View: Progressives elected in Colombia; more…

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May-June 2022, Vol. 67, #3

May 21, 2022

Lead article: Russian invasion and Ukrainian resistance shake up the world; Reactionary anti-abortion Supreme Court attacks freedom; Editorial: Climate report: revolution or disaster; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Hegel’s Third Attitude today; Prisoner strikes and struggles through Marxist-Humanist lens; Biden complicit in border brutality; World in View: Will Yemenis survive the proxy war?; more…

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March-April 2022, Vol. 67, #2

March 20, 2022

Lead article: Putin’s brutal war in Ukraine puts the future of humanity in doubt; Editorial: Sham trucker convoys; Starbucks workers fight to unionize; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Challenge to all post-Marx Marxists; Interview with Melda Yaman: ‘New vistas for socialist feminists’; Authoritarian attacks on teachers; Youth: Laws attack LGBTQ+; Woman as Reason: Sudanese women deepen fight; Madagascar reveals climate crisis; more…

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January-February 2022, Vol. 67, #1

February 9, 2022

Lead article: COP26: Rulers strive to stifle youth response to climate emergency; Editorial: No to Putin’s planned war in Ukraine; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Absolute Idea and self-liberation; Essay: Marx’s demystified dialectic and the ‘new society’; Jonathan Spence (1936-2021); Chile’s final break with Pinochet-ism?; Kellogg workers stood firm in strike; Editorial: Attack on abortion harms democracy; more…

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November-December 2021, Vol. 66, #6

November 22, 2021

Workers, from union to gig, reject rules that bosses try to reimpose; Editorial: Rulers say to the world: ‘Burn in hell!’; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Automation and the New Humanism; Review-Essay: Adrienne Rich’s Expanding Solitudes; Woman as Reason: Violence against women on the rise; Afghans resist Taliban and the world; Call for solidarity from Sudan; Squid Game; World in View: China’s and U.S.’s imperial maneuvers; more…

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September-October 2021, Vol. 66, #5

September 23, 2021

Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives 2020-2021: The dialectic of crises worldwide is testing liberation struggles; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: A Post-World War II View of Marx’s Humanism, 1843-1883, Marxist-Humanism, 1950s-1980s; Woman as Reason: Afghan women pay price for U.S. hubris; Rideshare & truck drivers fight bosses; Taliban reconquest shakes alliances, challenges Left; World in View: Central Asia reconfigures imperialism; more…

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July-August 2021, Vol. 66, #4

July 10, 2021

Lead article: Solidarity with Palestinians needed as state powers scheme; Editorial: Republicans savage democracy and history; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Need for a Total Uprooting: Down with the Perpetrators of the Palestinian Slaughter; Native Americans challenge Line 3; Woman as Reason: Abortion rights at crossroads; Colombian strikers reject dispossession and repression; World in View: French generals threaten civil war; more…

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May-June 2021, Vol. 66, #3

May 17, 2021

Lead article: The people of Myanmar unite against the military coup; Editorial 1: Amazon union vote hides workers’ reality; Editorial 2: Chauvin’s ‘guilty’ verdict a rare victory; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Rival approaches to Marxist humanism; Essay: Marx’s Humanism under Marxology’s knife; Biden’s broken immigration policy; U.S. in Afghanistan: a 20 years betrayal; LA pits poor against houseless; Marx speaks to youth alienation; Africa in imperialism’s crosshairs; COVID-19 hits India; more…

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March-April 2021, Vol. 66, #2

March 23, 2021

Lead article: Women from India to the USA fight against misogynist violence; Editorial: Masses resist Burma’s murderous coup; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Dialectics of Liberation: The urgent need for new beginnings; new pamphlet: ‘What Is Socialism?’–pre-publication offer and excerpts from the introduction; Racism still core to immigration policy; Youth column: Learning from Amazon protest; Hong Kong arrests; more…

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January-February 2021. Vol. 66, #1

February 4, 2021

(Lead articles) Double scourge of fascism and COVID-19 shakes the world: Vaccine rollout inflames global inequalities; Trumpist coup threatens U.S. democracy; Editorial: Green recovery needs a radical struggle; From the writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Uncivilized U.S.: Murder of Rev. King; Thoughts from the Outside: Epidemic #2: Fentanyl; World in View: Historic mass strike by India’s farmers; Woman as reason: Sarah White (Sarah Hamer) 1958-2020; Youth: Lived experience compels Marxism; Wave of arrests indicts justice in China; Women, incarceration and justice; Black homes matter; Argentine women win abortion rights; more…

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November-December 2020, Vol. 65, #6

November 30, 2020

Lead article: Black-led revolt ensures defeat of Trump’s racist campaign; Editorial: Caucasus war concerns all of humanity; Editorial: Polish women’s revolutionary moment; From the writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: What is philosophy? What is revolution?; Philosophic dialogue: New perspectives on Marx’s Humanist Essays; Uber and Lyft put drivers in peonage with the passage of Proposition 22; L.A. voters dump killer cop protector Jackie Lacey; Trump’s immigrant polices challenged; China’s forced labor camps opposed; Detroit voters speak truth to power; EU enables fascism; Massive student-led protests cover Thailand; more…

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September-October 2020, Vol 65, #5

September 13, 2020

Lead article: Amid election battles, masses demand no return to normal; Editorial: Yemen: A voice that must be heard; Voices from the inside out: Black prison lives matter; Trump threatens DACA, ignores court; From the writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Remembering John Lewis and Bloody Sunday–Racist barbarity spawned new forms of revolt; Essay: The Forum in Defense of Territory and Mother Earth–Unity of the struggles from a dialectical perspective, and what comes next?; Fracking cannibalizes our future; ‘Liberate Hong Kong’; World in view: Belarus thaws in a world in flames; more…

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July-August 2020, Vol 65, #4

July 6, 2020

Lead-editorial: Black youth lead revolt challenging deadly racism, aiming to dismantle system; Voices from the inside out: George Floyd and 13th Amendment; Hong Kong: Year two of revolt; From the writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: From Black mass revolt to Freedom; Anti-racist protests across the U.S.; Trump bars immigrants but invites in COVID-19; Woman as reason: Black women speak a new humanism; World in View: Syria’s problem is Assad, not sanctions; Latin America under COVID-19; Shackdweller solidarity with George Floyd protesters; World in view: COVID-19, U.S. nursing home genocide; more…

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May-June 2020, Vol. 65, #3

May 5, 2020

Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2020-2021: Shattered by pandemic, world needs new beginnings in revolutionary activity, thought; Thoughts from the outside: A mind of one’s own vs. COVID-19; Woman as reason: The torture of abortion bans; From the writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: The methodology of Perspectives; Canada on trial: War on Wet’suwet’en Nation; Duterte uses COVID-19 pandemic to further fascist rule; more

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March-April 2020, Vol. 65, #2

March 17, 2020

Lead: Women’s movements reach for new global stage; Editorial: Trump after impeachment; COVID-19: A world-historic threat; Voices from the inside out: On becoming human; From the writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: African revolutions at the crossroads; Essay: Ecosocialism and post-Marx Marxism; Copper miners strike; Torture of immigrants in the U.S.; World in view: France, Ireland & the ‘idea of Europe’; Review: ‘Syria after the Uprisings’; more…

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January-February 2020, Vol. 65, #1

January 30, 2020

A changed world spurs wars and decimates the earth: • Lead: Australia’s megafires lay bare capitalism’s climate death march, • Editorial: The death of counter-revolutionary Qassem Soleimani; World in View: Revolution and genocide in Idlib, Syria; From the writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Crises of retrogressive Changed World; Voices from the inside out: A ‘free world’ view; Rebellion in Hong Kong spreads; Woman as Reason: Anti-femicide goes global; Google and Amazon workers rebel; Essay: Revolution in Permanence, Trotsky, Marx, Dunayevskaya; The fall of Evo Morales; Whither Bolivia?; Mass protests challenge India’s Modi; World in View: Reactionary Brexit; more…

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November-December 2019, Vol. 64, #6

November 18, 2019

Lead article: GM strikers fight capital’s drive to impoverish workers; Editorial: The Arab Spring is ongoing; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya–Urgently needed in a time of political crisis: Philosophy and revolution as process; Essay: Black August, from 1971 to 2011-13; Voices from the inside out: Generations in jail; Kurds in U.S protest Trump’s betrayal; Voices of young and old from the Global Climate Strike; L.A. plans gains for rideshare drivers; World in View: Ecuadorians resist austerity, repression; Sexism, racism and incarceration in Brazil; Frightening refineries; Greta Thunberg: No One Is Too Small; More…

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September-October 2019, Vol. 64, #5

September 3, 2019

Lead article: Hong Kong masses fight rulers’ grab for power; Editorial: Supremacists are ‘coming for you!’; Editorial: Kashmir in our changed world; Help ‘News & Letters’ survive and thrive; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Permanent revolution and the dialectic; Voices from the Inside Out: Promises broken; Women as Reason: Women, terrorism and misogyny; Essay: Socialism and ecology; World in View: Puerto Ricans stand up for dignity; Letter from Mexico: Chiapas Indigenous join Zapatistas; Iran workers jailed; Mexican and U.S. teachers’ dialogue; More…

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July-August 2019, Vol. 64, #4

June 27, 2019

Lead article: Demanding a future, youth lead fight for climate justice; From the writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: China’s youth revolt vs. Mao’s legacy; Editorial: Stop Assad’s genocide in Syria!; Editorial: Freedom=control of our own bodies; Voices from the Inside Out: What is freedom?; All power to the Sudanese revolutionaries!; Essay: What is socialism? Socialism and Women’s Liberation; Amazon workers organize cross-border solidarity; World in View: A tale of two democracies in crisis; Trumpism aims to bleach the census; The truth of the ‘Woolsey Fire’; Millions in Hong Kong challenge Xi’s ambitions; More…

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May-June 2019, Vol. 64, #3

May 8, 2019

Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2019-2020–Humanity’s choice: Freedom and revolution or fascism, war and genocide; From the writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: The economy and dialectics of liberation; Woman as Reason: Algerian women at the forefront; Uber and Lyft drivers strike against pay cuts; Essay: What is socialism? Socialism, labor, and the Black demension; World in View: The genius of the Sudanese revolution; Voices From the Inside Out: Served the time but kept in prison; Handicap This!: Nursing home blues; Stop HB6: Ohio nuke industry bailout!; Letter from Mexico: Remembering Emiliano Zapata; World in View: European Union elections: mixed signals; More…

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March-April 2019, Vol. 64, #2

March 20, 2019

Lead article: Women bearing the brunt of reaction lead the resistance; Editorial: Is nuclear war on the horizon?; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Women’s liberation, experimentation and revolution in permanence; Genocide is happening now in Idlib; Editorial: Fighting gun violence; Venezuela is at the crossroads; Essay: What is Socialism? Socialism and a philosophy of revolution; Oakland, Calif., teachers strike; Chicago charter school teachers strike; World in View: Rise of Far Right threatens ‘Europe’; Letter from Mexico: Maquiladora workers strike in Matamoros; Presidents Day demonstration in Oakland, Calif.; more…

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January-February 2019, Vol. 64, #1

February 4, 2019

Lead article: Trump aids capitalism’s attack on labor, and workers strike back; Editorial: Brazil under Bolsonaro’s heel; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Rosa Luxemburg’s revolutionary life and legacy; The Green not-so-great New Deal; Voices From the Inside Out: Wisconsin’s prison system on trial; Woman as Reason: Anti-Semitism mars Women’s March; Essay: How dead thought failed Syrian revolution’s living history; Unity in Los Angeles teachers’ strike; Sudan rises against genocidal Bashir; Women in Spain say: ‘We are all Laura!’; Former prisoners speak on contradictions in support work; World in View: French ‘Yellow Vests’; more…

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November-December 2018, Vol. 63, #6

December 15, 2018

Lead article: Election deepens illegitimacy of Trump’s minority rule; New book: Marx’s Philosophy of Revolution in Permanence for Our Day; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Karl Marx’s continuous development of the philosophy of revolution in permanence; Essay: Marx’s concept of permanent revolution as philosophy: Exploring it today with Dunayevskaya; Editorial: Massacre of Jews and rising racism; Immigrant caravan born in the USA; Voices From the Inside Out: Learning the meaning of parole; Women as Reason: Solidarity with Trans; California fires are not ‘natural’ disasters; Counter-revolution redefines EU, OPEC; Letter from Mexico: Rejecting fake choice in airport referendum; Bolsonaro’s fascism threatens Brazilians; more…

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September-October 2018, Vol. 63, #5

October 7, 2018

Lead article: Masses vs. capitalism: Climate chaos hangs in the balance; Editorial: Stop the coming slaughter in Idlib!; Editorial: Catholic Church’s sins laid bare; Thousands of Mexican students STRIKE!; 30,000 march for the climate in San Francisco; Voices from the inside out: The need for unity; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Religion, racism and capitalist crisis; Discussion article: The Left’s response to Syrian genocide; Nicaraguans rise up against Ortega; Israel’s reactionary nation-state law; Say ‘No!’ to life without parole; U.S. prisoners strike; More…;

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July-August 2018, Vol. 63, #4

July 25, 2018

Lead article: Millions denounce Trump’s heinous immigration abuses; Editorial: Trump-Kim ‘peace’ threatens masses; Voices from the Inside Out column: Prisoner reviews Specters of Revolt; Turkey’s Erdoğan tightens authoritarian rule; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: A return to the Humanism of Marx; Essay: Saito’s ecosocialism rejects Marx’s philosophic moment; Letter from Mexico: Will López Obrador hear masses?; Women demand: ‘End money bail!’; ‘Families belong together’ demonstrations for refugees cover the entire U.S.; Stop genocide against Syrians; What’s next for Nicaragua?; More…

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May-June 2018, Vol. 63, #3

May 14, 2018

Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2018-2019: Fighting Trump and his fascist allies in practice and in theory; In Memoriam: Andy Phillips, 1924-2018; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: New moments in Marx form a trail to today; Voices from the Inside Out: ACCESS/KEEFE robs prisoners’ families; Letter from Mexico: Zapatista and other women meet; Only revolt grows in Iran’s deserts; 50 years later: The 1968 French general strike—its meaning today; Colombia Humana raises questions; Youth March for Our Lives participant reports; The end of ‘Urban Shield’; After Italy, European Right coalesces; More…

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March-April 2018, Vol. 63, #2

March 12, 2018

Lead: #MeToo, Women’s Marches show the resistance deepens; Editorial: China–Xi Jinping’s global power grab; Editorial: Youth confront the NRA; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Rosa Luxemburg as feminist; Fight for $15 and labor’s full potential; Uprising in Honduras; Woman as Reason: Iranian women embody revolt; Charles Denby’s life story: the story of the struggle for freedom; Review: Specters of Revolt; Voices From the Inside Out: What is the objective of prisoner unity?; Struggle against solitary confinement continues!; World in View: Syria and International solidarity; More…

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January-February 2018, Vol. 63, #1

February 6, 2018

Lead: Iranian workers, youth reach for new revolutionary beginnings; Editorial: Alabama Blacks beat Trump-Moore; Help keep News & Letters behind bars; Voices from the inside out: Prisoners discuss impact of 13th Amendment; From the writings of Raya Dunayevskaya–Iran: Unfoldment of, and contradictions in, revolution; New French edition of Indignant Heart: A Black Worker’s Journal; World in View: Visage of Hitler rises in Austria; Woman as Reason: The humanism of #MeToo; In Memoriam: Narihiko Ito (1931-2017); Syrians & Iranians unite in D.C. rally; Letter from Mexico: Zapatistas and science for humanity; Another brutal winter of war in Yemen; more …

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November-December 2017, Vol. 62, #6

November 18, 2017

Puerto Ricans suffer as Donald Trump plays to his racist base; Editorial: Save the Rohingya, stop the genocide!; Editorial: Abuser-in-chief trashes women; On the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution: Historic initiative of the masses and Lenin’s philosophic break; New book–Russia: From Proletarian Revolution to State-Capitalist Counter-Revolution: Selected writings by Raya Dunayevskaya; Detroit Women’s Convention shows women persist; World in View: U.S. ‘democracy’ enters crisis mode; Workers’ revolts threaten Xi Jinping; Woman as Reason: #MeToo; Letter from Mexico: Earthquake: Mexico’s wake-up call; Kris Kobach has something to hide; Judy Tanzawa (Judy Tristan), 1939-2017; Dan Perron, 1959-2017; more…

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September-October 2017, Vol. 62, #5

September 1, 2017

Rising U.S. racism challenges all freedom movements; From the writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: A concrete universal: Marx’s “Capital”–Part 2; Editorial: Venezuela: Which way forward?; Appeal: Your help needed to change the world; Voices from the Inside Out: Ending hostilities 5th anniversary; Chicago auto mechanics strike; Now online! Guide to the Raya Dunayevskaya Collection, the Marxist-Humanist Archives; New book by Raya Dunayevskaya: “Russia: From Proletarian Revolution to State-Capitalist Counter-Revolution”; Fighting back against neo-Nazi hate; Yemeni women’s fight for freedom; more…

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July-August 2017, Vol. 62, #4

July 6, 2017

The struggle for immigrants’ rights challenges humanity; From the writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: A concrete universal: Marx’s “Capital”; Editorial: Trump’s attack on climate and labor; Editorial: Imperial carve-up of Syria?; Counter-fascist rally in Portland; Voices from the Inside Out: “I Am Not Your Negro”; Which vision for rebuilding Detroit?; The French presidential election: ‘En Marche,’ indeed! Toward what?; Across U.S. students fight fascism; more…

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May-June 2017, Vol. 62, #3

May 18, 2017

Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2017-2018: Philosophy and revolt confront Trump’s drive to fascism; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: The cooperative form of labor vs. abstract labor and despotic plan; Workshop Talks: Don’t let germs and capitalists win; Voices From The Inside Out: Resisting Trumpism; Women as Reason: International Women’s Day 2017; 1967 Detroit Rebellion, 50 years later; The crisis of Turkish democracy; Stop jail censorship!; Letter from Mexico: Zapatistas support U.S. migrants; more…

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March-April 2017, Vol. 62, #2

March 24, 2017

Lead: Women take the lead against world retrogression; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Women’s liberation, in fact and in philosophy; Editorial: Yemen as world’s future?; Workshop Talks: Workers’ solidarity can stop fascism; Standing Rock: the struggle continues; Voices from the Inside Out: Parole is broken; Prisoners: ‘Shout Their Names’; Mass rallies denounce Trump and defend immigrants; Essay: Marx’s Marxism vs. Trump-Putin’s barbarism; Detroit teachers and parents fight school closings; more …

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January-February 2017, Vol. 62, #1

February 4, 2017

Lead: Inauguration of neo-fascism faces widespread revolt; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Why Phenomenology? Why now?; Editorial: Freedom and terror define Syria; Workshop Talks: Roots of Trumpism in swamps of history; Voices From the Inside Out: Castro absolved?; Woman as Reason: Syrian women as force and revolutionary Reason; As Others See Us: From the Preface to the new French edition of Marxism and Freedom; Oakland, Detroit march on Martin Luther King Day; Democracy in the streets votes Trump out!; more…

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November-December 2016, Vol. 61, #6

December 3, 2016

Lead-Editorial: No to Trump’s counter-revolution! No to fascism! Fight for a new human society!; Where to now for the Middle East?; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Spontaneity of action and organization of thought: In memoriam of the Hungarian Revolution; Editorial: Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline now!; Solidarity with Standing Rock: Water Is Life; Voices From The Inside Out: Wisconsin prison destroys books; Woman as Reason: Polish women show path forward; Essay: The masses in Latin America face a duality; Morocco rises up against the Makhzen; LALIT confronts colonization of Diego Garcia; more …

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September-October 2016, Vol. 61, #5

September 21, 2016

Lead-Editorial: Fascism rising from Russia to India, from the U.S. to the Philippines; Help keep News & Letters going and growing; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Nigeria: A retreat, not a victory; Workshop Talks: Why allow Assad to kill the sick?; Essay: Epigones discard Marxist-Humanist philosophy; Turkey’s Erdogan—the pious dictator; Detroiters insist: Water is a human right; An open letter to the Prisoner Human Rights Movement; Freedom for the Chagos Archipelago; more…

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July-August 2016, Vol. 61, #4

July 16, 2016

Lead article: Fires in Canada, drought in India inspire creative revolt; Editorial: Brexit emboldens the Far Right; Editorial: Homophobic mass murder in Orlando; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Racism, war, and Muhammad Ali; Workshop Talks: Bleak future if no labor solidarity; Jasmine Richards–Black Lives Matter speaks; The hell anti-abortionists have wrought; Philosophic Dialogue: Dialectic of the Party or dialectic of philosophy and organization?; Letter from Mexico: Police kill defiant teachers in Oaxaca; Woman as Reason: Will Stanford rape be a turning point?; more…

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May-June 2016, Vol. 61, #3

May 18, 2016

Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2016-2017: The need for new beginnings in thought and in action; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Nixon’s ‘racist mayhem’ lingers today; Workshop Talks: Alive in struggle; Voices From The Inside Out: Criminal Prisons; Widespread solidarity with Chicago Teachers Union strike; Letter from Mexico: On ‘Life” and feminism; North Carolinians protest anti-LGBTQ law; World in View: Brazil meltdown opens a door to Right; Woman As Reason: Exploitative reproductive industry; more…

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March-April 2016, Vol. 61, #2

March 31, 2016

Women battle war, terrorism and anti-abortion fanatics; Editorial: Syrian Revolution continues; Racism, workers and freedom ideas; Feminism and Hegel’s notion of life; Workshop Talks: Do job, get fired; The anguish that is Flint, Michigan; Workers soundly reject UAW deal; Remembering Olga Domanski, 1923-2015; Modi’s retrogressive vision for India; more…

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January-February 2016, Vol. 61, #1

January 26, 2016

Paris climate accord’s suicidal complacency spurs protests; In memoriam Olga Domanski, 1923-2015; Editorial: Chicago’s racism on trial; Editorial: Erdogan slaughters Kurds; Workshop Talks: Urgency of solidarity; Women as thinkers and revolutionaries; Prisoner beats legal odds to win guard retaliation lawsuit; Witnessing revolution in Rojava; Venezuela’s elections; Comrades and friends remember Olga; more…

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November-December 2015, Vol. 60, #6

December 19, 2015

California prisoners battle barbaric U.S. ‘justice’ system; Philosophic basis of News & Letters; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Black masses, youth, and the needed U.S. revolution: philosophy and reality; Editorial: Putin’s retrogressionism; Workshop Talks: Workers not robots; To transition or not transition: a review of ‘Blood and Visions: Womyn Reconciling with Being Female’; UAW workers vote down Chrysler deal; Deadly war waged on Yemen’s civilians; more…

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September-October 2015, Vol. 60, #5

September 6, 2015

Counter-revolution in Middle East shows crisis of humanity; From the writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: A revolutionary attitude to Archives; Editorial: Planned Parenthood under siege; Editorial: Evolving Black Lives Matter movement; Voices from the inside out: Racism and the Confederate flag; Voices from the Inside Out: Racism and the nine murders in South Carolina; Greek crisis: austerity, revolt and illusions; Huge explosions in Tianjin, China, heat up ongoing unrest; California prisons’ punitive ‘wellness checks’; Puerto Rico: U.S. exploitation and austerity; Occupy: Democracy, revolution and philosophy; more…

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July-August 2015, Vol. 60, #4

July 8, 2015

Now available online! The Raya Dunayevskaya Collection, the Marxist-Humanist Archives; Refugees risk death fleeing war, terror and climate chaos; Editorial: Black Lives Matter NOW!; Workshop Talks: When workers’ own time begins; In-person report: Yemen, where dreams are impossible; The meaning of revolutionary archives; Woman as Reason: Twenty years after Srebrenica: A Women’s Court demands justice; Chicago teachers prepare to strike; Winds of change from Alberta?; Charleston terrorism; more…

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May-June 2015, Vol. 60, #3

May 7, 2015

Draft for Marxist-Humanist Perspectives, 2015-2016: Decaying social order shows need for philosophy, revolution; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: The dialectic and women’s liberation; Workshop Talks: 1949 coal miners’ general strike today; Death in Yarmouk; Afghan women demand justice; Voices from the Inside Out: Selma’s mindset; Rojava, revolution and today’s youth; South Africa bloodies Black workers; Zapatistas on praxis; Seeking justice for 43 in Ayotzinapa; more…

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March-April 2015, Vol. 60, #2

March 12, 2015

Lead: From Turkey to USA, women as force and reason fight inhumanity; Editorial: Syriza’s many challenges; From the Writings of Raya Dunayevskaya: Miners inspired Marxist-Humanism; Solidarity with striking oil workers; Workshop Talks: Reclaim our labor; Detroiters fight to keep their homes; Greece: postmodernism in power; Nihilist Daesh/ISIS attacks humanity, history; Letter from Mexico: Guerrero in a national focus; Illinois budget cuts are death sentences; more…

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